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A high-level, robust, customizable framework making Discord bot development easy using the JDA library


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A high-level, robust, customizable framework making Discord bot development easy using the JDA library


See the wiki for various guides and more information to get started


  • Slash and text (prefixed) commands
    • Automatically registered using classpath scanning
    • May be generic, which means a command can be a slash and text command simultaneously while only writing the code for it once
    • You could add more features of your own using OOP
    • Extensive argument system
      • Automatic parsing
      • Automatic exception handling
      • Possibility to create custom arguments
      • Optional arguments with custom fallback functions
      • Multi-step arguments using CompletableFuture<T>
      • Supports all Discord option features, such as autocomplete
    • Automatic exception handling; throwing a CommandException in the middle of your command execution code will automatically send an error message, same for regular exceptions
      public void run(SlashCommandEvent event) throws CommandException {
          if (!event.getUserEntity().isStaff()) {
              // This will send the user an ephemeral error embed with the provided description
              throw new CommandException("You are not allowed to close a ticket.");
          event.reply("Ticket closed.", true);
    • Subcommands and nested subcommands
    • Categories
    • Permission system, also allows for custom permissions (e.g. bot tester)
      • Discord's default slash command permissions are also supported
    • Cooldowns, with the option to create your own CooldownManager to handle cooldowns in a custom way
      • Comes with MemoryCooldownManager and DatabaseCooldownManager by default
    • Inhibitors - custom conditions that should be checked before any command is executed
      • Colossus also uses inhibitors internally for checks like cooldowns and permissions
    • Finalizers - custom code that is run after a command was successfully executed without exceptions
    • Command localization - add localizations to slash commands
    • Help command - provides a default extensive help command, can be disabled
  • User/message context commands
    • Custom interactions/components system
      • Automatic event handling - provide a condition and consumer beforehand
      • Buttons
        BaseButton button = BaseButton.user(userId,
            Button.primary("click", "Click me!"),
            clickEvent -> clickEvent.reply("Clicked!"));
      • Static Buttons - for static buttons without consumers
        @ButtonListener("close") // this method can live anywhere, it is registered automatically
        private static void onCloseButtonClick(ButtonClickEvent event) {
          event.reply("Ticket closed", true);
      • Select Menus
        SelectMenu menu = //... jda select menu
        BaseSelectMenu selectMenu = BaseSelectMenu.user(userId, menu,
            submitEvent -> submitEvent.reply("Submitted!"));
      • Static Select Menus - for static select menus without consumers
        @SelectMenuListener("food") // this method can live anywhere, it is registered automatically
        private static void onFoodPicked(SelectMenuEvent event) {
          event.reply("You selected "+event.getValue(), true);
      • Modals
        Modal modal = // ... jda modal
            submitEvent -> submitEvent.reply("Submitted!"));
  • Custom interaction menus; you can either create your own or use one of the pre-made ones:
    • ConfirmMenu - a menu to either cancel or confirm an action
    • TabMenu - a menu to browse custom defined pages and (nested) subpages using tabs. The default help command uses this menu
    • SelectRowMenu - a menu to switch between pages using a select menu, useful for e.g. a settings command
    • ScrollPageMenu - a menu to browse pages using buttons
  • PresetBuilder - a helper class to create rich embed messages with action rows
    • Preset types - these can be used to create PresetBuilders with default values. Error messages use a (customizable) PresetType for example.
    • Easily add components using the previously mentioned custom component system
    • Ephemeral messages
  • Customizable configuration system
    • Allows custom configuration setups implemented using ConfigSupplier (e.g. for a web dashboard or Minecraft plugin config)
    • Uses the pre-built JsonConfig by default, supports grouping
    • Easily add custom key entries
      ColossusBuilder builder = new ColossusBuilder(".")
          .registerConfigEntry("tickets.log_channel", "");
      // ...
      String channelId = Config.getString("tickets.log_channel");
  • Database system to easily perform create, read, update and delete actions to a database
    • Uses Hibernate as base
    • Create your own UserEntity, MemberEntity or GuildEntity to store data mapped to snowflakes
    • Update and read database values easily using Colossus entities, automatically integrated
      // Coins is a custom property here
    • All other features that Hibernate provides
  • LocalFile - extended File class, with useful methods such as getContent() or parseJson(), also comes with a helpful LocalFileBuilder
  • An event waiter to await events with ease
    • Conditions; the waiter will only proceed if the condition is met
    • Timeout; optionally wait a specific amount of time before the waiter stops listening and runs a timeout action
    • Run once; whether the waiter should stop listening after it has been successfully run once or not
    • Returns an EventWaiterListener so you can optionally stop listening for the event earlier
    • Example:
      /* Await a MessageReceivedEvent.
       * Condition: The message must contain 'cookie'
       * Once the condition is met the bot replies with 'nom nom'
       * The waiter does not run once, it will listen until the timeout is over
       * The waiter will time out after 5 minutes, when it will say 'I got all the cookies!'
           msgEvent -> msgEvent.getMessage().getContent().contains("cookie"),
           (msgEvent, listener) -> msgEvent.reply("nom nom").queue(),
           false, 5, TimeUnit.MINUTES, () -> cmdEvent.reply("I got all cookies!"));
  • RepliableEvent interface implemented by all Colossus events to easily reply to events with strings, messages, embeds, PresetBuilders, modals or InteractionMenus. Some examples can be seen throughout this feature list
  • WebUtil utility class for easily making asynchronous web API requests using CompletableFuture. It requires the Gson library for JSON handling.
    CompletableFuture<JsonObject> request = WebUtil.getJson("");
    request.thenAccept(jsonObject -> {
        String fact = jsonObject.get("fact").getAsString();
        System.out.println("Dog Fact: " + fact);
    }).exceptionally(ex -> {
        return null;
  • ExecutorUtil utility class for scheduling and cancelling tasks


  • Java 17
  • Project with Gradle/Maven
  • An IDE (IntelliJ IDEA recommended)



repositories {
    maven { url '' }

dependencies {
    implementation 'com.github.RyanLandDev:Colossus:VERSION'





If you need help using the framework, please contact me on Discord at ryandev. or join our Discord server.


A high-level, robust, customizable framework making Discord bot development easy using the JDA library








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