Easily switch to different Visual Studio settings when...
- docking your laptop, or when it's undocked and you're on the go.
- presenting a live screencast.
- recording a how-to video.
- working on open source software with different code formatting requirements.
- an update to Visual Studio or a bad VS extension resets your desired settings.
- Solution Settings Files: Whenever a solution is opened, if a settings file of the same name (Solution_Name.vssettings) exists next to the solution file (Solution_Name.sln), its settings are automatically applied.
- Associates the current settings with the active solution. The associated settings will be applied automatically whenever the solution is opened. (Overrides the active Solution Settings File without modifying it.)
- Provides a toolbar (shown above).
- Selecting an item in the drop-down list immediately imports those settings into Visual Studio.
-  Export Current Settings saves the current settings to a file.
-  Export Solution Settings saves the current settings to the active solution's settings file, or creates a new Solution Settings File and adds it to the solution.
-  Format Solution formats all documents in the solution according to the current settings.
See the Wiki for details.
This extension is based on a tip from Sara Ford's blog.