Release v0.3.3
Release v0.3.3
New features:
listens remap-mbid
: Remap all the listens mapped to an mbid to another.daily
: Show "today in history" for your listens, and first discoveries birthdays
- Radios: You can now restrict the seed listens to a shorter period with the
argument. This will only use seed listens from this period. There is also--min-seed-listens
to keep a minimum of listens (default 3) from before the period if there is not enough
now refresh the recording. So if you know there's changes on the data, you can use lookup to refresh itlookup
: Overdue score is now from 0. 1 now means that the recording is overdue. Fixes weird behaviours with bumps
[0.3.3] - 2024-12-03
🚀 Features
- Copy release db to debug
- Seed time range for radio
- Add listen msid remapper
- Daily report
🐛 Bug Fixes
- Refresh recording on lookup
- Rust 1.83 fixes
- Bump score in lookup
- Comment out tests
- Remove broken badges
🚜 Refactor
- Move lookup report to recording_with_listens
⚙️ Miscellaneous Tasks
- Remove old migrations
- Macos Build
- Update manual release build
- Bump version
- Update CMD help