I am a frontend developer at Forcepoint. I have experience of working at giants like JIO, TCS. I like building applications which solves some problem. I like helping people in the dev community. Open to all DMs on Twitter
- π¬ Ask me about Frontend Technologies
- Recently I have worked with AI and built "FP Risk Analyser" which analyses various risk factors involving system deisgn as part of company hackathon project
- I am working with cyber security firm called Forcepint, for their various products namesly FOne, SASE based paltform, CASB
- Previously worked with JIO for Jio Prime Partner, B2B web app which is used by merchants pan India
- Worked on increasing performance of a web-app, migrating huge leagacy code bases
- Admin at JS_Fundamentals. Check it out if you like glowing fonts & slides & you are interested in learning JS in short snippets
- Built web app for TheGreenBowl company (Healthy Food industry) https://thegreenbowl.co/
- β‘ Fun fact: Big fan of Paintings, love knowing stories of people
- π« Reach me: ruchikasood333@gmail.com & Twitter @am_ruchika
- π Pronouns: She/ her