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FIT-GNN: Faster Inference Time for GNNs Using Coarsening

Important File Locations:

  • Training
    • Baseline: with baseline set to true (alternatively
    • Subgraph: (alternatively
  • Inference:
    • Baseline: (alternatively
    • Subgraph: (alternatively
  • Saved Models: Models stored in the following directory: ./save/


Refer to the following .sh files for examples:

  • Training (both subgraph and baseline):
  • Inference for baselines:
  • Inference for subgraphs:

Dataset Info

Refer to the csv file: dataset_info.csv


pip install -r requirements.txt

Parameter Description:

  • dataset:
    • Dataset name
      1. Node Classification: cora, citeseer, pubmed, dblp, Physics
      2. Node Regression: chameleon, squirrel, crocodile
      3. Graph Classification: ENZYMES, AIDS, PROTEINS
      4. Graph Regression: QM9, ZINC (subset)
  • experiment: {fixed, random, few}
    • Parameter specific to Node Classification for splitting nodes into train, val and test sets.
      1. fixed: cora, citeseer, pubmed
      2. few: cora, citeseer, pubmed, dblp, Physics
      3. random: dblp, Physics
  • runs: default = 20
    • Number of times to run node-level task
  • baseline: default = True
    • To train the baseline model
  • train_fitgnn: default = False
    • To train the FIT_GNN model
    • Note: If both baseline and train_fitgnn are set to be true, then train_fitgnn will be considered.
  • exp_setup: {Gc_train_2_Gs_infer, Gs_tran_2_Gs_infer, Gc_train_2_Gs_train}
    • Type of experiment setup to run
      1. Gc_train_2_Gs_infer: Train and val on Gc >> Test on Gs
      2. Gs_train_2_Gs_infer: Train, val and test on Gs
      3. Gc_train_2_Gs_train: Train and val on Gc >> transfer learnt weights >> Train, val and test on Gs
  • extra_node: {True, False}
    • Boolean parameter to train model by incorporating extra nodes.
  • cluster_node: {True, False}
    • Boolean parameter to train model by incorporating cluster nodes.
  • coarsening_ratio: [0, 1]
    • Extent of coarsening, 0 implying fewer subgraphs created and more nodes in each subgraph while 1 indicating large number of subgraphs created and fewer number of nodes in each subgraph.
  • coarsening_method: {variation_neighborhoods, algebraic_JC, affinity_GS, kron}
    • Method used to coarsen graphs into subgraphs.
  • output_dir:
    • Directory to save best model.
  • task: {node_cls, node_reg, graph_cls, graph_reg}
    • Type of node-level or graph-level task being performed.
  • multi_prop: {True, False}
    • Boolean parameter specific to QM9 dataset for Node Regression task. Should be set to True while performing experiments using QM9, else False.
  • property: {0, 1, ... , 18}
    • Parameter specific to QM9 dataset for Node Regression task. Should be given one of the 19 targets for prediction.
  • hidden: default = 512
    • Number of nodes in hidden layers of GNN
  • epochs1: default = 100
    • Parameter specific to Gc_train_2_Gs_infer exp_setup. Number of epochs to train on Gc.
  • epochs2: default = 300
    • Parameter specific to Gs_train_2_Gs_infer exp_setup. Number of epochs to train on Gs.
  • num_layers1: default = 2
    • Parameter specific to Gc_train_2_Gs_infer exp_setup. Number of layers in Gc training model.
  • num_layers2: default = 2
    • Parameter specific to Gs_train_2_Gs_infer exp_setup. Number of layers in Gs training model.
  • train_ratio: [0, 1], default = 0.3
    • Parameter specific to graph-level tasks. Ratio of graphs reserved for training to total number of graphs in dataset.
  • val_ratio: [0, 1], default = 0.2
    • Parameter specific to graph-level tasks. Ratio of graphs reserved for validation to total number of graphs in dataset.
  • use_community_detection: default = False
    • Leiden algorithm is used to detect the top k communities to construct a proxy graph of a large graph.


FIT-GNN source code






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