Program is compiled as: python -p [number of processsors, default 2] -n [name, default "test"] -l [location, default current working directory] -c [number of clusters saved in [name]_out, default 1] -i [input]
Input is given as -i '[SMILES string]' or -i [file], requiring quotation marks for the SMILES string input to avoid bash syntax error
When the calculation has completed, the following files/directories will have been generated in the specified/default location: [name]_out contains the conformer pdb files for each instance [name].out the logfile from the queue containing all the runtime command line outputs [name].tar.gz contains all the files used and generated by the work flow, compressed for space
All of the files in this repository besides and should be saved in a src_files directory. If another directory is used, then that location will have to be changed in
Files to Edit: mol_cluster files the catdcd location will have to be specified (line 5)
Files to Check: check modules: intel64 (line 49), openmpi (line 50). check version: namd (line 53) check mpirun location (line 165), set to default