title | date | released |
Drake v1.35.0 |
2099-12-31 |
Refer to our Drake Stability Guidelines for our policy on API changes.
- [fix] TBD [systems] Fix RgbdSensor image size parameterization crash (#22065) # Also add missing ValidateContext checks on public functions.
New features
- [fix] TBD [solvers] Throw when IpoptSolver options are invalid (#22062)
- [feature] TBD Solve mathematical programs in parallel (#21957) # Adds convenience methods for solving batches of MathematicalProgram in parallel. Co-authored-by: Jeremy Nimmer jeremy.nimmer@tri.global
- [newly deprecated feature] TBD [solvers] Add CommonSolverOption::to_string (#22079) # Deprecate operator<<.
- [fix] TBD Use the preprocessing solver options even if a specific preprocessing solver is not specified (#22077)
- [fix] TBD [solvers] Fix Gurobi console logging obey our defaults again (#22108)
- [feature] TBD [experimental] Implicit Graphs of Convex Sets (#22074) # Resolves #22033. Implements a base class defining the Successor() method, and a number of simple tests showing how to create various types of implicit graphs.
- [fix] TBD Fix bug where empty HPolyhedra are reported to be unbounded (#22117) # There are three progressively more expensive checks to see if an HPolyhedron is unbounded. However, certain empty HPolyhedra can trigger all three of these checks, so we must check emptiness first.
- [fix feature] TBD Leverage parallelization where possible when checking boundedness of a ConvexSet (#22084) # This parallelizes the generic method for checking boundedness of a convex set, which is sometimes used by various derived classes of ConvexSet. Also fixes a bug in the boundedness check of MinkowskiSum.
- [fix] TBD Fix a Bug in GCS When Passing in a Trivially-Infeasible Upper Bound (#22090)
- [feature] TBD Set gradient sparsity pattern in LorentzConeConstraint and RotatedLorentzConeConstraint (#22125)
New features
- [fix] TBD Bug fixes for holonomic and weld constraints (#22057) # Fixes wrong frames in the Jacobian computation in SapDriver::AddWeldConstraints(). Fixes usage of variables in constructor of SapHolonomicCosnstraint after they were moved.
- [removal of deprecated] TBD [multibody,systems,geometry] Remove deprecated code 2024-11 (#22086)
- [fix] TBD [geometry] Fix refine_mesh for cwd-relative paths (#22106) # When the user does 'bazel run :refine_mesh' we should still allow a relative path for input or output. We call chdir here to undo the chdir performed by 'bazel run' into the runfiles tree.
- [fix feature] TBD [multibody,geometry] Improve exception message for bad geometry (zero volume mesh) in .obj file (#21929) # Co-Authored-By: mitiguy paul.mitiguy@tri.global Co-Authored-By: Rick Poyner rick.poyner@tri.global Co-Authored-By: Sean Curtis sean.curtis@tri.global
New features
New features
- [feature] TBD Implements FunctionHandleTrajectory (#21093) # Resolves #20699.
- [fix] TBD [perception,common,geometry,math] [math] Add requires clause to RigidTransform and RotationMatrix cast (#22094) # Both classes' documentation specifically disallows non-default scalars.
- [feature] TBD [drake_gym] Add info_handler callback (#21900)
New features
- [fix] TBD [doc,tools] [setup] Upgrade Bazel to latest release 7.4.0 (#22066)
- [fix] TBD [tools,geometry,systems,examples,common] [render_vtk] Use EGL by default on Ubuntu (#22081) # This also fixes RenderEngineGltfClient to not require a DISPLAY.
- [fix] TBD [setup,workspace] [workspace] Upgrade bazelisk to latest release v1.22.1 (#22119)
- [fix] TBD [workspace] Force-disable CoinUtils debugging hooks (#22063)
- [fix] TBD [workspace] Upgrade openusd_internal to latest release 24.11 (#22082)
- [fix] TBD [workspace] Upgrade drake_models to latest commit (#22103)
- [fix] TBD [workspace] Upgrade crate_universe to latest (#22119)
- [fix] TBD [workspace] Upgrade dm_control_internal to latest release 1.0.24 (#22119)
- [fix] TBD [workspace] Upgrade msgpack_internal to latest release cpp-7.0.0 (#22119)
- [fix] TBD [workspace] Upgrade mujoco_menagerie_internal to latest commit (#22119)
- [fix] TBD [workspace] Upgrade mypy_internal to latest release v1.13.0 (#22119)
- [fix] TBD [workspace] Upgrade statsjs to latest commit (#22119)
- [fix] TBD [workspace] Upgrade suitesparse_internal to latest release v7.8.3 (#22119)
- [fix] TBD [workspace] Upgrade tinyobjloader_internal to latest commit (#22119)
- [fix] TBD [workspace] Upgrade vtk_internal to latest commit (#22119)
- [fix] TBD [workspace] Upgrade rules_rust to latest release 0.53.0 (#22119)
- [fix] TBD [workspace] Upgrade abseil_cpp_internal to latest commit (#22118)
This release provides pre-compiled binaries named
. See Stable Releases for instructions on how to use them.
Drake binary releases incorporate a pre-compiled version of SNOPT as part of the Mathematical Program toolbox. Thanks to Philip E. Gill and Elizabeth Wong for their kind support.