Running Node all the way from development to production on Heroku.
Check it out at
$ brew install mongodb rabbitmq
$ brew services start mongodb
$ brew services start rabbitmq
$ npm install
npm start
- http://localhost:5000
Deploying is easy - just use the Heroku Button:
If you'd rather clone locally and then deploy through the CLI, you can do that too:
git clone
cd node-articles-nlp
heroku create
heroku addons:add mongohq
heroku addons:add cloudamqp
heroku config:set NODE_ENV=production
heroku config:set VIEW_CACHE=true
heroku config:set THRIFTY=true
git push heroku master
heroku open
Environment variables are mapped to a config object in lib/config.js.
This provides reasonable defaults as well as a layer of generalization
=> config.mongo_url
You can locally override the defaults by adding variables to a .env file.
The app is separated into two tiers:
This enables horizontally scaling both web traffic and long-running jobs.
The default deploy configuration includes THRIFTY=true
, which starts the app in single-dyno mode to avoid charges.
With THRIFTY=true
, the web process handles both http requests and queued jobs.
Keep in mind that this is a specific setting for this app,
is not a standard Heroku configuration.
Of course, a production app should never run in a single instance or make users wait for worker processes. When you're ready to test in staging or deploy to production, you can scale beyond single-dyno mode:
heroku config:unset THRIFTY
heroku ps:scale web=2 worker=2
npm start
runs node-foreman,
which will check the Procfile
and start a single web process and a single worker process.
To test that your app behaves correctly when clustered in multiple processes,
you can specify process scales to node-forman
in a local .env file.
Writing maintainable Node apps is all about separating concerns into small, well-defined modules. This barebones app has three distinct components with their own responsibilities:
The business logic is all in lib/app. This module orchestrates and provides a facade for the underlying MongoDB database and the RabbitMQ job queue.
The user-facing portion of the project lies in lib/web. This module is responsible for providing an http interface and routing requests. It shows things and relies on an App instance to do things.
The background processes run through lib/worker. This module is tiny - it just instantiates an App instance to process the job queue.