This repo just contains my "Scripts/Util" solution which contains a bunch of methods and classes I use frequently individually for what ever I need done quickly
This code should not be used in a professional / efficient manner as it's not been tested and used just by me.
Publicized incase somehow someone needs some code listed here
- BypassVIP API Usage (Needs api key)
- BypassVIP Telegram Automation (WIP)
- Krnl Keygen / Auto Bypass (WIP)
- Dynamic PornScraper designated by settings Examples | Based on XPath
- PornScraper includes metadata scraping, as well as video downloader (needs login cookies)
- Scraper (Doesn't include downloading)
- HeavyDriver
- LIghtDriver
public static string[] GetFiles(string directory, string filter = "*.*") => Directory.GetFiles(directory, filter, SearchOption.AllDirectories);
public static string GetFolderFromFile(string file) => Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(file).Split('\\').Last();
public static string GetLastDirectory(string directoryPath) => directoryPath.Split('\\').Last();
public static List<Href> GetLinks(this HtmlDocument document, string html, string? startNodeXPath = null);
public static List<Dictionary<string, string>> GetNodesData(this HtmlDocument document, string html, string xpath, params string[] attributes);
public static bool TryAdd<T>(this List<T> list, T value);
public static bool RegexEndsWith(this string text, [StringSyntax(StringSyntaxAttribute.Regex)] string pattern) => IsMatch(text, pattern + "$");
public static bool IsNullOrEmpty(this string text) => string.IsNullOrEmpty(text);
public static string Normalize(this string abstractText); // This removes invalid path characters, and normalizes to utf8 etc
public static string SafeFileName(this string abstractFile); // Just gets valid path name
public static string JsonSerialize<TValue>(TValue obj, bool @unsafe = true); // Encodes unsafe, Writes tab indents, allows floating literals
- string ConvertSecondsToTime | Returns a formatted string, will take in int/double/long
- (HttpClient, CookieContainer) BuildClient | Builds an http client with default settings and returns as a tuple
- GetRootDomain | Returns the rootdomain and TLD from a url, not sure why it's not built into the Uri namespace
- FormatBytes | Takes in a double, returns a forammted string with B,KB,MB,GB,TB
- static string ExtractValue(this Match match, int group = 0) => match.Groups[group].Value;
- JAV Title Naming | RegexPatterns.JavTitle
- Size Grabbing | RegexPatterns.SizeRegex
- ReCaptcha Stuff | RegexPatterns.(GetReCaptchaType/GetReCaptchaToken/GetReCaptchaResponse)