Suspenders is the base Rails application used at thoughtbot.
First install the suspenders gem:
gem install suspenders
Then run:
suspenders projectname
This will create a Rails 4.0 app in projectname
. This script creates a
new git repository. It is not meant to be used against an existing repo.
To see the latest and greatest gems, look at Suspenders' templates/Gemfile_clean, which will be appended to the default generated projectname/Gemfile.
It includes application gems like:
- Airbrake for exception notification
- Bourbon for Sass mixins
- Delayed Job for background processing
- Email Validator for email validation
- Flutie for
view helpers - High Voltage for static pages
- jQuery Rails for jQuery
- Neat for semantic grids
- Postgres for access to the Postgres database
- Rack Timeout to abort requests that are taking too long
- Recipient Interceptor to avoid accidentally sending emails to real people from staging
- Simple Form for form markup and style
- Unicorn to serve HTTP requests
And gems only for staging and production like:
- New Relic RPM for monitoring performance
- Rails 12 Factor to making running Rails 4 apps easier on Heroku
And testing gems like:
- Capybara and Capybara Webkit for integration testing
- Factory Girl for test data
- RSpec for unit testing
- RSpec Mocks for stubbing and spying
- Shoulda Matchers for common RSpec matchers
- Timecop for testing time
Suspenders also comes with:
- Override recipient emails in staging environment.
- Rails' flashes set up and in application layout.
- A few nice time formats set up for localization.
- Heroku-recommended settings.
You can optionally create Heroku staging and production apps:
suspenders app --heroku true
This has the same effect as running:
heroku create app-staging --remote staging
heroku create app-production --remote production
You can optionally create a Github repository for the suspended Rails app. It requires that you have Hub on your system:
curl -sLo ~/bin/hub && chmod +x ~/bin/hub
suspenders app --github organization/project
This has the same effect as running:
hub create organization/project
Suspenders requires Ruby 1.9.2 or greater.
Some gems included in Suspenders have native extensions. You should have GCC installed on your machine before generating an app with Suspenders.
Use OS X GCC Installer for Snow Leopard (OS X 10.6).
Use Command Line Tools for XCode for Lion (OS X 10.7) or Mountain Lion (OS X 10.8).
We use Capybara Webkit for full-stack Javascript integration testing. It requires QT. Instructions for installing QT are here.
PostgreSQL needs to be installed and running for the db:create
rake task.
If you have problems, please create a Github Issue.
Please see for details.
Suspenders is maintained and funded by thoughtbot, inc.
The names and logos for thoughtbot are trademarks of thoughtbot, inc.
Suspenders is Copyright © 2008-2013 thoughtbot. It is free software, and may be redistributed under the terms specified in the LICENSE file.