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RevEng.AI Rizin & Cutter Plugins

RevEng.AI plugins for Rizin & Cutter.



Don't want to go through all the manual hassle? We have a dockerfile as well. Just do :

git clone && 
cd reai-rz && docker build --no-cache --build-arg apikey=xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx -t reai-rz . &&
docker run -v /tmp/userdata:/home/revengai/userdata -it reai-rz

This will get you a working installation of the rizin plugin in a single command!

  • Store the files you want to access into /tmp/userdata directory of host, and access these files through ~/userdata inside the docker container.

  • Make sure to put correct value for apikey build arg. You can also change it after installing though, through directly editing config file, or using the REi command inside the plugin.

  • This will do a clean build always to make sure you get latest commits of all RevEngAI maintained repos. If you don't want to do that, just remove the --no-cache flag passed to docker build ...


PyYaml is a required dependency for the plugin commands. If your package manager manages python packages instead of pip, then pipx will help get an easy installation. pipx needs to be installed from package manager.

Unix Based Systems (Linux, MacOSX)

# Get plugin or download a release
git clone && cd reai-rz

# Configure the build. Remove -G Ninja if you prefer GNU Makefiles (requires make)
cmake -B Build -G Ninja

# Build & Install plugin
ninja -C Build && sudo ninja -C Build install


For building on windows, run just once script. This will download all dependencies and build anything required and then finally build the plugin.

git clone; cd reai-rz; Set-ExecutionPolicy Bypass -Scope Process -Force; iex .\BuildOnWindows.ps1

Possible Errors

If you get a segmentation fault after installing the plugin on the first run, then please make sure that either your current working directory is writable by current user (the user launching the plugin), or there exist environment varibles $TMPDIR or $TMP and those are writable as well. So it should be either $PWD or $TMP or $TMPDIR.

If you cannot see dialogs or messages when intercting with plugin in cutter UI, make sure that you have a cutter installation with bundled rizin. If your cutter installation uses pre-installed rizin, then the way the plugin is written, you'll end up using rizin's command line plugin through the cutter UI, and will only be able to see output through the command line. Cutter with bundled rizin is very important!

If rizin fails to automatically load the plugin, you can

  • Open rizin and run e dir.plugins. You'll get the exact path where rizin expects the plugins to be present. Note the prefix for /rizin/plugins. It'll be something like /usr/lib or /usr/local/lib. Now during the plugin cmake configure step, provide this prefix path by appending -D CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=<prefix_path> to the cmake configure command. In my case it looks like this : cmake -B build -G Ninja -D CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=/usr

  • load it by running the command L <plugin_path>. This is usually something like L /usr/local/lib/rizin/plugins/ on a linux based system. The exact path is displayed when installing the plugin. You'll need to do this all the time btw, on every rizin run. This is not the best solution.


Before running any of the above commands, you must install cmake, make, ninja, meson, gcc/g++ (if required), pkg-config, libcurl (development package), and rizin.

CMake Configure Options

  • BUILD_CUTTER_PLUGIN = ON/OFF : When enabled will build cutter plugin alongside rizin plugin. By default this is set to OFF. If you have cutter installed, and want to use the cutter plugin, set this to on by adding -D BUILD_CUTTER_PLUGIN=ON in the cmake configure step.

Basic Usage

Before being able to use anything in the plugin, a config file in the user's home directory is required. Name of file must be .creait.toml

apikey = "XXXXXXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXXXXXXXXXX"    # Replace this with your own API key
host = ""                  # API version and base endpoint

Generating Config File In Plugins

This config file can be generated using the REi command after plugin installation. Without a config, the plugin will keep erroring out for all other commands.

REi <apikey>

Execute the above command to automatically create a config file similar to the one above. You can get the api key in API Key section. The plugin will automatically reload the new saved configuration

Command List

After installing rizin plugin, you'll see the following commands listed when you execute the RE? command in rizin shell.

Usage: RE<imhua?>   # RevEngAI Plugin Commands
| REi XXXXXXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXXXXXXXXXX # Initialize plugin config.
| REm                     # Get all available models for analysis.
| REh                     # Check connection status with RevEngAI servers.
| REu                     # Upload currently loaded binary to RevEngAI servers.
| REa <prog_name> <cmd_line_args> <ai_model> # Upload and analyse currently loaded binary
| REau[?] <min_confidence>=90 # Auto analyze binary functions using ANN and perform batch rename.
| REap <bin_id>           # Apply already existing RevEng.AI analysis to this binary.
| REd  <fn_name>          # Perform AI Decompilation
| REfl[?]                 # Get & show basic function info for selected binary.
| REfr <old_name> <new_name> # Rename function with given function id to given name.
| REfs <function_name> <min_confidence>=95 # RevEng.AI ANN functions similarity search.
| REart                   # Show RevEng.AI ASCII art.

REh : Health Check

Can be used to check connection status with RevEng.AI servers. It is not required to be executed before using the plugin. This comand does not require a binary opened before it's execution as well.

REm : Get Available AI Models

Creating new analysis requires AI models. Currently available AI models are loaded at the start of the plugin so an internet connection is required, otherwise a plugin restart is necessary for this command to work.

[0x00000000]> REm

REa : Create Analysis

This command requires an open binary. This will upload a binary to RevEng.AI servers and then create an analysis for the uploaded binary file. Wait for analysis operation to complete before using using any related API.

Analysis progress can be tracked in detail on RevEngAI's dashboard. Any command that requires a binary id will automatically fail and display an analysis status if available.

If you save a rizin project after creating a new analysis, the analysis ID automatically gets stored in the rizin project and is automatically loaded when you open the project.

REau : Auto Analysis

After analysis is complete, the command will get function matches for all functions in a binary, that have a confidence greater than that provide as command argument and rename the current names with best match.

Save your rizin project after performing an auto-analysis. Or when you re-open the binary, apply the existing analysis using the command below.

REap : Apply Existing Analysis

Anyone with access to an existing analysis can apply the analysis to a binary in the plugin. This will automatically perfrom function renames for all existing functions in order to sync names between RevEngAI server and rizin.

If you save a rizin project after creating a new analysis, the analysis ID automatically gets stored in the rizin project and is automatically loaded when you open the project.

REd : AI Decompiler

This plugin also comes with RevEngAI's AI decompiler. This command can be used to decompile a function by using it's name.

REfl : Function List

To print the names and boundaries of current functions in the binary in rizin, you do afl. This command is similar to afl, but it fetches the names from RevEng.AI servers instead of rizin project.

REfr : Function Rename

Rename a function in RevEng.AI analysis. Renames function in both rizin and RevEngAI.

REfs : Function Search

Searches for functions similar to provided function and have a confidence greater than the provided min_confidence.


This is the most awesome command. Tag us on twitter with a screenshot of the output of this command :-) if you like what we're doing here :-)

Same features exist in Cutter, just with a nice GUI