This repo has been archived and is no longer maintained
This repository contains tests.
The infra for the tests can be found in and flake8 plugins defined in .flake8 can be found in
Use poetry to manage virtualenv.
pip install poetry
After installation, run:
poetry install
To get current env info
poetry env info
To get poetry virtualenv names
poetry env list
To remove current env
poetry env remove <env name>
To clear poetry cache (needed before update if there is an existing update but the package is not updated)
poetry cache list # get poetry available cache list
poetry cache clear --all <cache name> # delete all cache (except _default_cache)
To update one package
poetry update openshift-python-wrapper
This project runs tests against one or more OCP clusters. To get the OCM / ROSA / Hypershift cluster's kubeconfig run:
ocm get clusters -p search="name like '"$CLUSTER_NAME"%'" | jq -r '.items | .[] | .id' \
| xargs -I {} ocm get /api/clusters_mgmt/v1/clusters/{}/credentials | jq -r .kubeconfig
Save the output to a file and export it as KUBECONFIG
export KUBECONFIG=<path to kubeconfig file>
Use a specific file path, pass
poetry run pytest ... --kubeconfig_file_paths="<path to kubeconfig1>"
To run against multiple clusters, pass
poetry run pytest ... --kubeconfig_file_paths="<path to kubeconfig1>,<path to kubeconfig2>"
Note: explicit usage of values should be implemented according to the relevant test requirements
Log file 'pytest-tests.log' is generated with the full pytest output in the tests root directory. For each test failure cluster logs are collected and stored under 'tests-collected-info'.
To see verbose logging of a test run, add the following parameter:
make tests PYTEST_ARGS="-o log_cli=true"
To enable data-collector pass data-collector.yaml YAML format:
data_collector_base_directory: "<base directory for data collection>"
collect_data_function: "<import path for data collection method>"
YAML Example:
data_collector_base_directory: "tests-collected-info"
collect_data_function: "ocp_wrapper_data_collector.data_collector.collect_data"
collect_pod_logs: true
poetry run pytest .... --data-collector=data-collector.yaml
Logs will be available under tests-collected-info/ folder.
In order to run a test with a log level that is different from the default, use the --log-cli-level command line switch. The full list of possible log level strings can be found here
When the switch is not used, we set the default level to INFO.
To run the cluster upgrade test, you will need to provide the cluster name and the OCP target version.
poetry run pytest -m upgrade --ocp-target-version 4.10.35 --cluster-name {cluster name} \
--data-collector={path to data collector yaml}
If running against a production cluster, add: --tc=ocm_api_server:production
To run hypershift installation tests make sure the following environment variables are set: AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY OCM_TOKEN
poetry run pytest ... --ocp-target-version {OCP version} -m hypershift_install
Container can be generated and pushed using make targets.
make -f Makefile
We use checks tools that are defined in .pre-commit-config.yaml file To install pre-commit:
pip install pre-commit --user
pre-commit install
pre-commit install --hook-type commit-msg
pre-commit will try to fix the error. If some error where fixed git add & git commit is needed again. commit-msg use gitlint (
To check for PEP 8 issues locally run:
env variable locally or in test container
export OCM_TOKEN="production or stage OCM token"
You can overwrite the api server defined in by passing the following in command line: For example:
poetry run pytest ... --tc=ocm_api_server:stage