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Releases: Rangi42/polishedcrystal

Development Rolling Release

22 Mar 02:06
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This is the current Polished Crystal development rolling release – strictly for testing and development purposes. These builds are experimental and are provided to help developers and testers verify the latest changes and features. Do not use these builds for regular gameplay. The assets all have an 8-character commit hash at the end to identify the exact code they're built from.

Important: Save game compatibility is not guaranteed in these builds, and the official save patcher will not support them upon release.

The .gbc assets are ROMs. If you just want to play the game, download one (regular, -faithful which omits some non-canon changes, or noir which is in grayscale) and load it in BGB, mGBA, Gambatte, or another accurate Game Boy Color emulator. (Do not use VBA or VBA-M.)

The .sym assets are "symbol files". They're useful for debugging or for discovering cheat codes, although cheats are not officially supported and may cause bugs or crashes. (Do not ask the developers for cheat codes.)

The .patch assets are 3DS Virtual Console patches to enable trading and battling over Wi-Fi. You can bundle the .gbc and corresponding .patch into a playable .cia file using poke-cia.

The debug assets are ROMs and symbol files with extra features to help debug the game. Do not download these just to play; use them to help the developers diagnose and fix bugs, or to create new features.


01 Feb 15:52
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Hotfix release that fixes an issue with hatching eggs causes the overworld to glitch out badly. No save patch required from v3.1.0


01 Feb 06:28
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Polished Crystal 3.1.0 – Official Release

This is the official Polished Crystal 3.1.0 release. It’s fully playable from start to finish and incorporates major overhauls to gameplay, mechanics, and quality-of-life improvements detailed in our README.

For 3.0.0-beta or 3.0.0 saves wishing to upgrade, check out the Polished Crystal Save Patcher. It can update saves between older and newer save formats (3.0.0-beta ➔ 3.1.0, etc.). Make sure to back up your save and follow the instructions on the patcher’s page.

All downloaded assets have an 8-character "commit hash" that identifies the exact code they’re built from.

.gbc Assets

These are the main ROMs:

  • Regular: Standard Polished Crystal with the new content and features.
  • -faithful: Omits some non-canon changes for a closer-to-vanilla feel.
  • Debug Builds: ROMs with additional debugging tools enabled for testing and development purposes.

To play, download one of these .gbc files and load it in an accurate Game Boy Color emulator such as BGB, mGBA, or Gambatte. Do not use VBA or VBA-M.

.sym Assets

These are symbol files used for debugging, exploring memory, or discovering cheat codes. Note that cheats aren’t officially supported and may cause bugs or crashes. Do not ask the developers for cheat codes.

.patch Assets

These are 3DS Virtual Console patches that enable trading and battling over Wi-Fi on 3DS VC. You can combine the .gbc ROM and corresponding .patch file into a playable .cia using poke-cia. This is for experienced users who want to play on a modded 3DS.

polishedcrystal Debug Assets

These extra builds (ROM and symbol files) have additional debugging features enabled for development and bug-fixing. They’re not recommended for standard play.

New in Polished Crystal 3.1.0:

  • Add Mind's Eye ability
  • Add Bloodmoon ursaluna
  • Add Candy Jar + Experience Candy
  • Re-Add Gameboy Printer support (Diploma)
  • Add Pokemon Go Hideout + Galarian Bird events

A more detailed changelog will be released soon.

If you find any bugs, consider using the debug assets to report details or join our community for help and discussion. Have fun!


01 Feb 05:58
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Polished Crystal 3.0.0 – Official Release

This is the official Polished Crystal 3.0.0 release (no longer a beta). It’s fully playable from start to finish and incorporates major overhauls to gameplay, mechanics, and quality-of-life improvements detailed in our README.

For 3.0.0-beta saves wishing to upgrade, check out the Polished Crystal Save Patcher. It can update saves between older and newer save formats (3.0.0-beta ➔ 3.0.0, etc.). Make sure to back up your save and follow the instructions on the patcher’s page.

All downloaded assets have an 8-character "commit hash" that identifies the exact code they’re built from.

.gbc Assets

These are the main ROMs:

  • Regular: Standard Polished Crystal with the new content and features.
  • -faithful: Omits some non-canon changes for a closer-to-vanilla feel.
  • Debug Builds: ROMs with additional debugging tools enabled for testing and development purposes.

To play, download one of these .gbc files and load it in an accurate Game Boy Color emulator such as BGB, mGBA, or Gambatte. Do not use VBA or VBA-M.

.sym Assets

These are symbol files used for debugging, exploring memory, or discovering cheat codes. Note that cheats aren’t officially supported and may cause bugs or crashes. Do not ask the developers for cheat codes.

.patch Assets

These are 3DS Virtual Console patches that enable trading and battling over Wi-Fi on 3DS VC. You can combine the .gbc ROM and corresponding .patch file into a playable .cia using poke-cia. This is for experienced users who want to play on a modded 3DS.

polishedcrystal Debug Assets

These extra builds (ROM and symbol files) have additional debugging features enabled for development and bug-fixing. They’re not recommended for standard play.

Enjoy Polished Crystal 3.0.0! Read our to learn more about new features like:

  • Customizable New Game Setup: You can now toggle Natures on/off, choose how EVs work (classic no-limit, modern 510 limit, or disabled), and configure various other gameplay options before starting a new adventure.
  • DVs No Longer Determine Natures/Shininess/Gender/Unown Form: DVs still affect color variation (slightly different hues for the same species), but everything else is now handled separately.
  • Overhauled Battle Engine and HUD:
    • Abilities are now supported.
    • Moves have been updated to behave more like their modern counterparts.
    • Minor HUD improvements make battles more streamlined.
  • Revamped Move Animations: Many moves have updated animations.
  • Optimized Engine and 60fps Overworld: The game engine has been heavily optimized for smoother performance, and the overworld now runs at 60 frames per second.
  • Storage System Redesign: The PC storage interface is more like modern Pokémon games. You can switch boxes, move Pokémon around, and manage your party with minimal saving hassles.
  • HGSS-Inspired Pokédex: The new Pokédex includes base stats, egg groups, and a more comprehensive encounter map showing all methods of obtaining Pokémon.
  • Enhanced Overworld Weather: Instead of just darkening the screen, you’ll now see proper rain, snow, or sandstorms in applicable areas.

A more detailed changelog will be released soon.

If you find any bugs, consider using the debug assets to report details or join our community for help and discussion. Have fun!


14 Jun 17:25
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3.0.0-beta Pre-release

This is the current Polished Crystal 3.0.0 beta release. The assets all have an 8-character "commit hash" at the end to identify the exact code they're built from.

The .gbc assets are ROMs. If you just want to play the game, download one (regular or -faithful) and load it in BGB, mGBA, Gambatte, or another accurate Game Boy Color emulator. (Do not use VBA or VBA-M.) If your emulator or flashcart has issues with supporting a real time clock (or you desire it disabled for any other reason), download your preferred version with the -nortc flag.

The .sym assets are "symbol files". They're useful for debugging, or for discovering cheat codes, although cheats are not officially supported and may cause bugs or crashes. (Do not ask the developers for cheat codes.)

The .bsp asset is a BSP save file patch in case you need to upgrade a save file from an older 3.0.0 beta build, using a patcher like the one for Pokémon Prism.

The polisheddebug assets are ROMs and symbol files with extra features to help debug the game. Do not download these to just play with; use them to help the developers diagnose and fix bugs, or create new features.


25 Jul 22:53
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Changes: v2.1.0...v2.2.0

  • Add: Natures (based on Atk/Def DV, not personality value).
  • Add: Descriptive text for certain rock features.
  • Add: Edit some trainers' rosters, including better natures.
  • Add: Vulpix can learn Moonlight.
  • Add: Staryu+Starmie can learn Calm Mind.
  • Add: Wobbuffet can learn Recover.
  • Add: Entei can learn Earthquake.
  • Add: Lugia can learn Hurricane.
  • Fix: Lugia's room music loops.
  • Fix: Dragonite can learn Hurricane.
  • Fix: Metronome cannot become Transform.
  • Fix: Bill can walk through you.
  • Fix: Trainer Card controls.
  • Fix: Acid and Crunch descriptions.


25 Jul 22:53
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Changes: v2.0.1...v2.1.0

  • Add: Connect Goldenrod Harbor to Route 41 west and Olivine City north.
  • Add: Move stats show accuracy.
  • Add: Fourth stats page with caught data.
  • Add: Replace Poké Seer with Stats Judge.
  • Add: AI does not try to paralyze Electric types, or burn Fire types.
  • Add: Buy basic items in Yellow Forest gate.
  • Add: Yellow Surfing Pikachu music.
  • Add: Correct OT genders for Wonder Trade.
  • Add: Hurricane is 100% accurate in rain.
  • Add: Blizzard is 100% accurate in hail.
  • Add: Meowth+Persian can learn False Swipe.
  • Add: Shellder+Cloyster can learn Waterfall.
  • Add: Moomoo accepts Oran or Sitrus Berries (Sitrus heals +2).
  • Add: Buff Fire Spin and Whirlpool to 90% accuracy (non-Faithful).
  • Add: Name Cameron, Teala, and Felicity.
  • Edit: Some wild encounters and trainer rosters.
  • Edit: Berry locations.
  • Edit: Remove Cut tree blocking Celadon Gym.
  • Edit: Palmer's sprite.
  • Edit: Brighter purple for sprites.
  • Edit: Buff Ditto.
  • Fix: Can't Wonder Trade Eggs.
  • Fix: Can't receive same Pokémon in a Wonder Trade.
  • Fix: Thief permanently steals held items.
  • Fix: Make Route 24 Rocket Grunt mandatory to avoid sequence breaking.
  • Fix: Static Pokémon respawn if they're caught.
  • Fix: Lyra's catching tutorial breaks the map music.
  • Fix: Text overflow in Sandstorm TM house.
  • Fix: Waterfall HM item ball is blue.
  • Fix: Surfing Pikachu's picture.
  • Fix: Expert Belt → Wise Glasses.
  • Fix: No wild encounters in Cherrygrove Bay.
  • Fix: Slowking evolution check before Slowbro.
  • Fix: Leafeon/Glaceon evolution check before Espeon/Umbreon.
  • Fix: Crunch lowers Defense, not Special Defense.
  • Fix: Ice Shard's description overflows into Toxic's.
  • Fix: Hurricane can hit during Fly.
  • Fix: Toxic used by Poison-types can hit during Fly and Dig.
  • Fix: AI overuse of Future Sight.
  • Fix: Alphabetical Pokédex was missing Magnezone.
  • Fix: Fire Spin and Whirlpool have 35 power, 85% accuracy, and 15 PP.
  • Fix: Trapping moves do 1/8 damage each turn and last 4–5 turns.
  • Fix: Waterfall tile animation.
  • Fix: Whirl Islands Lugia music.
  • Fix: Hidden Power has fixed power now.
  • Fix: Consistent music volume for all tracks.
  • Fix: Remove GameBoy Printer references.


25 Jul 22:52
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Changes: v2.0.0...v2.0.1

  • Add: Item balls for TMs are blue (based on Gen VI's yellow).
  • Add: The Zephyr Badge lets you use traded Pokémon up to level 20.
  • Add: Respawn Sudowoodo if uncaught after the Elite Four, like legendaries.
  • Add: Splash effect in puddles.
  • Add: Update some boss trainers' teams.
  • Add: Mantine can learn Fly.
  • Add: Crabhammer has 95% accuracy.
  • Add: Unique wild moves are rarer (25%, not 50%).
  • Add: Move Nuzlocke mode option away from common ones.
  • Add: X/Y Gym Leader music for Valerie.
  • Add: Fairy tale references.
  • Add: Nidorina and Nidoqueen, not just Nidoran♀, can produce either gender of Nidoran eggs.
  • Fix: Flash no longer requires the Zephyr Badge, since earning the Zephyr Badge requires using Flash.
  • Fix: The Rocket Grunt♀ who gives you a password has a glitched unbeatable team.
  • Fix: The Day-Care gives back fainted Pokémon in Nuzlocke mode.
  • Fix: Calling Bill to switch boxes corrupts the PC.
  • Fix: Destiny Bond glitch.
  • Fix: Ecruteak fairy-tale house crash.
  • Fix: Bellchime Trail crash.
  • Fix: Conditions for Bellchime Trail event.
  • Fix: Swimmer♂s on Route 40+41 have the Super Nerd sprite.
  • Fix: Viewing the Ruins of Alph wall patterns crashes the game.
  • Fix: Incorrect cries for some Pokémon.
  • Fix: TM learnsets for Electivire, Magmortar, and Rhyperior.
  • Fix: Icicle Crash is still called Razor Shell.
  • Fix: A battle with Lyra is skippable.
  • Fix: Two trainers overlap on the S.S. Aqua.
  • Fix: Sending a caught Pokémon to the PC asks whether to nickname in Nuzlocke mode.
  • Fix: Plural trainers say "are about to use", not "is about to use".
  • Fix: Viridian Forest is dark.
  • Fix: S.S. Aqua location on Town Map.
  • Fix: Tile error in Cherrygrove Bay.
  • Fix: Twins Ann & Anne → Twins Tori & Til.
  • Fix: Lass's text spread over multiple lines.
  • Fix: Trainer Card badges in Kanto.
  • Fix: Game Corner still mentions Blizzard, not Ice Beam.
  • Fix: Game Corner games in Goldenrod use Celadon music.
  • Fix: Adjust some event timing.


25 Jul 22:52
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Changes: v1.1.2...v2.0.0

  • Add: Replace {Hoppip, Skiploom, Jumpluff, Aipom, Stantler, Smoochum} with {Rhyperior, Electivire, Magmortar, Sunkern, Sunflora, Wobbuffet}.
  • Add: New trainer classes: Officer♀, Sr. & Jr., Couple, Breeder, PI, Dragon Tamer, Ace Duo, Roughneck, and some important characters.
  • Add: Add Protector, Electirizer, and Magmarizer items.
  • Add: Machoke, Graveler, Haunter, and Kadabra evolve by having sufficient stat exp in Attack, Defense, Speed, and Special respectively (five Protein, Iron, Carbos, or Calcium is sufficient).
  • Add: Replace {Synthesis, Bubble, Powder Snow, Comet Punch, Conversion2, Meditate, Tail Whip} with {Hurricane, Water Pulse, Ice Shard, Aerial Ace, Hone Claws, Energy Ball, Hail}.
  • Add: Meet Falkner in Dark Cave to make him return to the gym, encouraging the player to beat Sprout Tower first.
  • Add: Optional Nuzlocke mode (can't revive fainted Pokémon, catch only the first encounter in each location, always nickname Pokémon; dupes clause and shiny clause in effect)
  • Add: Lyra from HG/SS is your friendly rival.
  • Add: Revise the Silver Wing event.
  • Add: New music for the Goldenrod Game Corner and Lugia's and Ho-Oh's maps.
  • Add: Shrine in Ecruteak City from Mateo's Pokémon Christmas.
  • Add: Battle 16 Gym Leaders and 5 unlockable trainers in the Fighting Dojo.
  • Add: Reward for catching all 26 Unown.
  • Add: Buy dolls and plants to decorate your room in Goldenrod Harbor.
  • Add: Replace Cianwood Photo Studio with an event that makes your Pokémon happier.
  • Add: Battle Cal in Trainer House if you're a girl, Kay if you're a boy.
  • Add: Eusine shows you the legendary beasts in Celadon City in case you haven't found them roaming.
  • Add: Respawn uncaught legendaries (except for Celebi) after beating the Elite Four (Suicune roams).
  • Add: Bill calls to switch boxes when one is full (copied from TPP Anniversary Crystal).
  • Add: Meganium can learn Calm Mind and Play Rough.
  • Add: Gliscor can learn Fly.
  • Add: Pokémon sprites for Joey and Mike's battle and for Amphy.
  • Add: Executive Proton in Slowpoke Well.
  • Add: Pokémon are found via Headbutt on Route 47+48 and in Yellow Forest.
  • Add: Restore unused dialog about Prof. Silktree to the Ruins of Alph.
  • Add: Politoed is Water/Grass.
  • Add: Sunflora is Grass/Fire.
  • Add: Electivire is Electric/Fighting.
  • Add: Magmortar is Fire/Fighting.
  • Add: Rhyperior is Steel/Rock.
  • Add: Strength is 90 power.
  • Add: Buff Submission and Take Down to be like Wild Charge.
  • Add: Replace Razor Shell with Icicle Crash.
  • Add: Rock-type Pokémon get Sp.Def boosted by 50% in a sandstorm.
  • Add: Improve Buena's prizes.
  • Add: Yanma and Venomoth are available in the Bug-Catching Contest.
  • Add: Murkrow is rare in some Headbutt trees.
  • Add: Add river to Route 45 from HGSS.
  • Add: Celadon Dept. Store TV game floor from RBY, with game system decorations for sale.
  • Add: Celadon Dept. Store Home Decor wing.
  • Add: Lt. Surge's electric traps from RBY.
  • Add: Missing ice puzzle in Seafoam Islands.
  • Add: Get Amulet Coin from Lyra in Olivine City, and Metal Coat in the Goldenrod Dept. Store basement.
  • Add: Update Pokémon Center and Poké Mart style.
  • Add: Use beta pagodas for Sprout Tower, Bell Tower, and Dragon's Den.
  • Add: Pan up on entering Bell Tower, Battle Tower, and Radio Tower.
  • Add: Rematch Elite Four only after getting all 16 badges (Prof. Elm and Blue both explain this).
  • Add: More requirements to access Mt. Silver.
  • Add: Tower Tycoon Palmer is the final Battle Tower trainer.
  • Add: Accessible waterfall in Yellow Forest.
  • Add: Devamped HGSS sprites for Team Rocket Executives.
  • Add: Replace NES with Wii.
  • Add: Purple overworld sprites (used for Eusine, Koga, Janine, PokéManiacs, Hex Maniacs, Burglars, Executive♂s, and GameCube).
  • Add: Option to run by default.
  • Add: Sprites for Surfing and Flying Pikachu.
  • Add: Third Trainer Card page for Kanto badges.
  • Add: Trees randomly give one, two, or three Berries.
  • Add: Increase Kanto's levels.
  • Add: Proper text for Gym Leader rematches.
  • Add: Access the last Unown chamber with a Fairy-type Pokémon, not Ho-Oh.
  • Add: Former Mystery Gift girl in Goldenrod Dept. Store now gives a random Berry every day.
  • Remove: No more support for Mystery Gift, GameBoy Printer, or Mobile Adapter.
  • Fix: Gen VI wild held item chances (50% common, 5% rare, 45% none), with Amulet Coin increasing them to 60% common, 10% rare, 30% none.
  • Fix: No more daily limit on Wonder Trades.
  • Fix: Tangela, Yanma, and Pilowsine evolve by knowing AncientPower.
  • Fix: Replace Pryce's Seel and Shellder with Piloswine and Sneasel.
  • Fix: Jasmine uses Forretress.
  • Fix: Bruno uses Pinsir.
  • Fix: Silver has six Pokémon only by Victory Road.
  • Fix: Prof. Oak's third aide requires 50 Pokémon, not 75.
  • Fix: Replace broken Trainer House tiles with a Poké Ball pattern.
  • Fix: Consistent gatehouse between Route 36 and the Ruins of Alph.
  • Fix: Consistent gatehouse between Route 48 and Yellow Forest.
  • Fix: Rocket outside Radio Tower isn't visible from Goldenrod Harbor.
  • Fix: Bill's sister says his grandpa is still in Cerulean Cape house.
  • Fix: Edit some trainers' levels and rosters.
  • Fix: Various text overflow errors.
  • Fix: Pokédex Area map glitches when you press right (thanks Mmmmmm).
  • Fix: Ellipses print too high during battle (thanks, comet).
  • Fix: Typo "your" for "you" (thanks, jpmac26).
  • Fix: Gold Berry heals 25% max HP when held.
  • Fix: Pink Bow powers up Fairy-type moves (thanks, Pokemaster).
  • Fix: X Special → X Spcl.Atk (thanks, Mmmmmm).
  • Fix: Acid lowers Sp.Def, not Defense (thanks, kide).
  • Fix: Magby learns Flamethrower at level 40, not 30 (thanks, kide).
  • Fix: 50 TMs → 65 TMs.
  • Fix: Lock-On does not bypass Fly/Dig.
  • Fix: Poison types using Toxic will always hit but not through Fly/Dig.
  • Fix: TMs each have a unique location.
  • Fix: Game Corner games pay out even if you have 9999+ coins.
  • Fix: Roaming legendary beast music.
  • Fix: Can't trade away the GS Ball.
  • Fix: Sabrina's round gold badge is called the Soul Badge; Janine's pink heart badge is called the Marsh Badge.


25 Jul 22:50
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Changes: v1.1.1...v1.1.2

  • Add: Give Team Rocket more diverse Pokémon.
  • Add: Meganium is Grass/Fairy, and learns Fairy Wind, Moonblast, and DazzlinGleam.
  • Add: Typhlosion learns Earth Power and Earthquake.
  • Add: Feraligatr learns Night Slash.
  • Add: Blastoise learns Iron Head.
  • Add: Buff Smeargle.