About this package
We understand using ram api can be hard as it has alot this package calls the api for you however this wont bypass the ratelimit youll still see the ratelimit error
api key
for a api key join the discord and go to #request-api-keys https://discord.gg/5a93U2xYjZ
Required in normal or pro but not needed in basic
Our new advanced error checker works well and will attempt to retry a connection if the rate limit was reached New logs NOTE: v8 and under will use old code from past ram-api.js packages so unless your using v9 or higher these checkers wont run
Missing endpoint
current api version is v12 if v13 is out then contact support
ram api endpoints can be found at https://api.rambot.xyz
email : support@gamearoodev.com
discord: https://discord.gg/5a93U2xYjZ