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RalucaHodan edited this page Jan 10, 2022 · 7 revisions

Welcome to the WebSystemsDev Mad Trivia Journal!

Week 4

Learn about Design Methods and think about how to apply them for our project. Make a decision on the subject.

Week 5

Inspect one more time the project proposals and submit our topic for the project.

Week 6

Discuss and get feedback during the laboratory on where to begin from and explore the ideas suggested by our professor.

Week 7

Choose the type of game (trivia) and think more on the characteristics of the web application. Research for API database.

Week 8

Have a meeting on Teams to discuss what technologies we are going to use and begin working on the delivarables for Week 9

Week 9

Finalize and look over the requested deliverables before uploading on Github.

  • Scholarly HTML Technical Report
  • Design sketches from POV User interaction

Week 10

  • Check project after feedback
  • Think of how to develop it better and add new ideas

Week 11

  • Holidays :)

Week 12

  • Plan what is possible to implement
  • Research about Angular Framework, Angular Material and CSS

Week 13

Finalize Project

  • Try to create a partly functional application
  • Finish Technical Report
  • Create Use Case Diagramas
  • Create User Guide

Week 14

Present Final Project

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