CashFlow is a web app facilitating virtual money transfers online. Users can send representational money securely using authentication. It offers functionalities like Money transfer , Balance check ,logging in, logging out, checking balances, and updating details, streamlining the online transaction process with ease and security.
: Signin endpoint for existing users. -
: New user signup who is also provided a random balance. -
: Checking the balance of the user. -
: Tasks can be filteres based on their completion status. -
: Filtering users on the basis of their first/last names.
Uses MongoDB session/Transactions to ensure Isolation and Atomicity in the transaction.
Uses JWT'S and Local storage to store and validate user sessions and authentications.
Approach of using "fixed-point representation" instead of decimals to avoid decimal errors in DB'S and languages.
- ReatJS
- Tailwindcss
- NodeJS
- ExpressJS
- MongoDB
- Hosted on Vercel
- Vite
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Clone this project:
For accessing frontend components:
cd frontend
A live demo of the project can be started by using:
npm run dev
For accessing backend components:
cd backend