TheMovieApp is an Android application that fetches and displays popular movies using the TMDb API. The app provides a user-friendly interface with various movie categories and animations for an enhanced user experience.
Movie List: Displays a list of popular movies. Category Selector: Allows users to choose different movie categories (e.g., popular, upcoming, top-rated, now-playing). Swipe-to-Refresh: Users can refresh the movie list by swiping down. Animations: Smooth animations for transitions and data updates.
Android Studio: 4.0 or higher Android SDK: API 26 or higher Kotlin: 1.4 or higher Installation
Spinner: Use the spinner at the top of the screen to select different movie categories. Swipe-to-Refresh: Swipe down on the list to refresh the movie data.
- MainActivity: Handles the main UI and interactions, including movie fetching and UI updates.
- MainActivityViewModel: Manages data for the MainActivity and communicates with the repository.
- MovieRepository: Responsible for fetching movie data from the TMDb API.
- MovieAdapter: Adapts the movie data for display in the RecyclerView.
- activity_main.xml: Layout file for the main activity.
- Dependencies > Retrofit: For making network requests. > Picasso: For image loading. > Data Binding: For binding UI components to data sources. > SwipeRefreshLayout: For implementing swipe-to-refresh functionality. > RecyclerView: For displaying lists of movies.