Coursify is designed to simplify the process of sharing and discovering online courses. Just like IMDB is a hub for movies, Coursify serves as a central platform where administrators can publish courses, and users can explore, review, and rate them. The platform also features a ranking system that highlights the best courses based on user ratings. Whether you're an educator looking to reach a wider audience or a learner seeking high-quality courses, Coursify aims to be the go-to solution.
- Features
- Technology Used
- Prerequisites
- Installation
- Environment Setup
- Usage
- Deployment
- API Documentation
- Testing
- Contact Information
Coursify Local Server is a comprehensive course management platform designed to enable admins to publish courses, while users can explore, review, and rate these courses. It provides a structured and organized way to manage and interact with courses, categories, reviews, and users. Below are the key features of the platform
Create, Retrieve, and Manage Courses: Admins and Super Admins can create and manage courses, including details such as title, instructor, category, price, language, and duration.
Course Details: Each course includes comprehensive information like start and end dates, provider details, tags, and a detailed description.
Best Course Feature: Users can retrieve the best-rated course based on total ratings, allowing easy discovery of top-quality content.
Organized Course Categories: Admins can create, retrieve, update, and delete course categories, allowing for easy categorization and filtering of courses.
Category Search: Users can search for courses based on specific categories, making navigation more user-friendly
User Reviews and Ratings: Registered users can review and rate courses, contributing to the overall rating system. The reviews are stored within the course entity, allowing for easy retrieval.
Review Management: All reviews are accessible via public routes, providing transparency and feedback for other users.
User Roles: The platform supports different user roles, including 'user', 'admin', and 'superAdmin', with varying levels of access and permissions.
User Authentication: Secure user registration and login with role-based access control. The system also supports password change functionality and account management.
Admin Management: Super Admins have the ability to create and manage admin accounts, ensuring that the platform is well-maintained and monitored.
Token-Based Authentication: The platform uses JWT tokens for secure authentication. Access tokens are provided on login, and refresh tokens are managed via secure cookies.
Password Management: Users can change their passwords securely, with the system verifying the old password before updating to a new one.
Coursify Local Server is built using the following technologies:
- Node.js: JavaScript runtime environment for executing JavaScript code server-side.
- Express.js: Web framework for Node.js, providing robust features for web and mobile applications.
- TypeScript: Superset of JavaScript that adds static types, enabling better tooling and error checking.
- Mongoose: MongoDB object modeling tool designed to work in an asynchronous environment.
- JWT (jsonwebtoken): A compact, URL-safe means of representing claims to be transferred between two parties.
- bcrypt: Library to help hash passwords.
- CORS: Middleware to enable Cross-Origin Resource Sharing.
- cookie-parser: Middleware to parse cookies attached to the client request object.
- dotenv: Module to load environment variables from a
file intoprocess.env
. - Nodemailer: Module for Node.js to send emails.
- Slugify: Utility to generate slugs, typically for URLs.
- Zod: TypeScript-first schema declaration and validation library.
- ESLint: Linter tool for identifying and fixing problems in JavaScript and TypeScript code.
- Prettier: Code formatter for consistent code style across the project.
Before you begin, ensure you have met the following requirements:
- Node.js (v14.x or higher)
- npm (v6.x or higher) or yarn (v1.x or higher)
- MongoDB: Make sure you have MongoDB installed and running, either locally or via a cloud service like MongoDB Atlas.
Clone the repository:
git clone
cd Coursify-Local-Server
Create a .env
file in the root of your project and configure it with the following environment variables.Below is an example template:
# MongoDB connection string
# Server port
# Environment mode
# Access token settings
# Refresh token settings
# Bcrypt settings
# Password reset settings
# Email credentials for password reset
# Super admin credentials
Once you have set up your environment and installed the necessary dependencies, you can start using the Coursify Local Server. Follow these steps to get your server up and running:
To start the server in development mode, which provides live reloading and debugging support, use the following command:
npm run start:dev
# or
yarn start:dev
Coursify Local Server is deployed and accessible on Vercel. You can view the live project at the following URL:
Detailed API documentation is provided in a separate Google Docs document. This includes comprehensive information about API endpoints, data modeling, request and response formats, and other technical details.
To view the detailed project requirement analysis, click on the link below:
Project Requirement Analysis Document
Automated tests are planned for the project. Testing will be added to ensure the reliability and functionality of the server. More details will be provided once the testing framework and tests are implemented.
For questions, feedback, or support, please contact: