Ethereum Bot is a simple bot of Telegram that will allow us to consult at all times our mine statistics of our Pool.
We can use this bot to consult the mining statistics of:
With the following bot we will be able to visualize:
- Hashrates
- Active Workers
- Unpaid
- Money generated ($,€)
- Current Ethereum price
For installation, the first thing we will do is to install the pyTelegramBotAPI library.
$ sudo pip install pyTelegramBotAPI
The following will be cloned our Github repository:
$ git clone
$ cd Ethereum_Bot
We will edit the Settings section with our data.
$ sudo nano
For example:
# -------------------- SETTINGS --------------------
# Your Ethereum wallet.
wallet = "0x947edcaa3c9b63e3ccf2d5e148bf62674f519f34"
# Telegram bot Token.
token = "378572660:AAHaLn4NylzJuv4kl4XusEtG3LeDqafjA75"
# List with the telegram id of the allowed users.
id_admins = [15288736, 16278436]
# Your Pool. 0 = Ethermine | 1 = Ethpool
pool = 0
# --------------------------------------------------
Finally we execute the script and we can go to our bot of Telegram and consult our statistics:
$ sudo python