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Bogdan edited this page Aug 13, 2015 · 12 revisions

-There should be some documentation with examples on how Searchtypes work. e.g. When you use both SearchType.DEEP_CHILD_NODE_OR_SELF, SearchType.EQUALS what is the resulted xpath.

  • I would like to create custom metodhs for building xpaths like this:
public <T extends WebLocatorRap> T getFollowingSibling() {
    return (T) new WebLocatorRap(this).setElPath("/following-sibling::*");

in order to modify the xpath of myWebLocator. Now the new xpath is not added to the path of myWebLocator.

  • sendKeys method should return a boolean (so when it fails the tests will fail faster)
  • the properties should be read in a specific order system, properties files and default. Currently the properties are no read from System. This might be usefull when you want to run pass properties directly from command line or from mvn or ant.
  • FirefoxPortable is not closed by the shutdownHook because there are 2 executables(FirefoxPortable.exe and firefox.exe) and the driver.quit() results in a browserUnreachableException with only FirefoxPortable.exe being closed. Possible suggestion:
`Runtime.getRuntime().addShutdownHook(new Thread() {`
                `public void run() {`
                    `if (WebLocatorConfig.getBoolean("driver.autoClose")) {`
                    `catch (UnreachableBrowserExcetion ube){`
                    `Runtime.getRuntime().exec("taskkill /im firefox.exe /f")  ;//for win`
                    `Runtime.getRuntime().exec("pkill firefox")  //for linux`

maybe the sabe behaviour applies to all portable apps(e.g Chrome) which are started by other executables.

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