How to install the package:
Install the tmcRtestrunner package i. On the terminal, navigate to the folder where tmcRtestrunner_0.1.0.tar.gz is located, and run the command "R CMD INSTALL tmcRtestrunner_0.1.0.tar.gz" ii. Alternatively, one can enter the R command "devtools::install_github("RTMC/tmc-r-tester/tmcRtestrunner")" in the R console to directly download from GitHub
Next, either: i. Go to tmcrstudioaddin's parent directory, open R and type "install.packages("tmcrstudioaddin",repos=NULL, type="source")". If this fails, install RStudio version that is at least 1.1.67 (from You may need to install it from the terminal with e.g. dkpg (not with Software Center). Also install the required packages manually (with install.packages("package_name").
or ii. On the terminal, navigate to the folder where tmcrstudioaddin_0.3.1.tar.gz is located, and run the command "R CMD INSTALL tmcrstudioaddin_0.3.1.tar.gz"
- Once the package tmcrstudioaddin is installed, open RStudio and select "Addins" from upper bar and there "TMC R 0.3.1".
The project was created as a Software Engineering Lab project at the Department of Computer Science in the University of Helsinki. The authors are: