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Releases: QuantumKitHub/MPSKit.jl


03 Mar 17:09
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MPSKit v0.12.6

Diff since v0.12.5

  • Various stability tweaks and improvements
  • Improved support for real and mixed scalartypes, add complex(state) and complex(operator)
  • Improved support for exponentiating FiniteMPOHamiltonian
  • "Expert-mode" MPOHamiltonian constructors from vectors of matrices of <:Union{Missing,Number,MPOTensor}

Merged pull requests:

  • Allow for non-square / uniform MPOHamiltonians in make_time_mpo(..., ::TaylorCluster) (#253) (@VictorVanthilt)
  • MPO utility and fixes (#256) (@lkdvos)
  • Restore "expert-mode" Hamiltonian constructors (#257) (@lkdvos)
  • Improve support for mixed scalartypes (#259) (@lkdvos)
  • Expand exact_diagonalization and FiniteMPS docstrings (#261) (@leburgel)

Closed issues:

  • timestep! with Complex hamiltonian and Real state (#83)
  • make_time_mpo(::FiniteMPOHamiltonian) fails when it is not square (#243)
  • Converting infinite MPS to uniform gauge (#250)
  • Manually defining MPOs (#254)
  • convert(::Type{TensorMap}, H::FiniteMPOHamiltonian) fails (#255)
  • How to promote the scalartype for a FiniteMPS? (#258)


11 Feb 14:07
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MPSKit v0.12.5

Diff since v0.12.4

Merged pull requests:

Closed issues:

  • entanglementplot and transferplot give MethodError for InfiniteMPS and FiniteMPS (#246)


03 Feb 21:22
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MPSKit v0.12.4

Diff since v0.12.3

Merged pull requests:


28 Jan 17:45
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MPSKit v0.12.3

Diff since v0.12.2

Bump OptimKit compatibility and refactor FiniteMPS gauging to be iterative instead of recursive

Merged pull requests:

  • CompatHelper: bump compat for OptimKit to 0.4, (keep existing compat) (#239) (@github-actions[bot])
  • Rewrite orthogonalization from recursive to iterative (#241) (@lkdvos)
  • Enable secret key in compathelper runs (#242) (@lkdvos)

Closed issues:

  • StackOverflow when computing expectation value of large FiniteMPS (#240)


25 Jan 19:33
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MPSKit v0.12.2

Diff since v0.12.1

Merged pull requests:

Closed issues:

  • Potential error in calculating entropy in v0.12 (#237)


23 Jan 19:04
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MPSKit v0.12.1

Diff since v0.12.0

Fix an issue in the constructors of MPOHamiltonians with multiple terms with the same indices.

Merged pull requests:

  • Fix MPOHamiltonian constructors for adding multiple terms on the same site (#235) (@lkdvos)


22 Jan 14:13
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MPSKit v0.12.0

Diff since v0.11.6

v0.12 of MPSKit boasts a wide variety of changes, most notably related to the usage of BlockTensorKit for the MPOs and environments. This enables a wide range of simplifications behind the screens, that should hopefully both simplify maintenance, as well as lower the bar for contributions and future developments.
Various things have been refactored to make use of this new framework, and the documentation pages have seen some improvements (but are still WIP).
As such, the main breaking changes refer to the internals of the operator structs (FiniteMPO, InfiniteMPO, FiniteMPOHamiltonian and InfiniteMPOHamiltonian), as well as the internal structure of the environments. Furthermore, some algorithms have gotten updates to their fields to streamline the interface a bit.
Additionally, this release ensures compatibility with the new versions of TensorKit and TensorOperations, and thus some performance gains are to be expected because of that.
Finally, the interface to work with parallelization has been reworked to now use OhMyThreads.jl, which should ease the procedure and yield a bit more flexibility.

As a warning, for users that were relying on the infinite environment managers to automatically recompute their environments, this feature has been disabled, so recalculate! has to be called manually now.

Merged pull requests:

Closed issues:

  • @show for sparse_MPO does not work. (#169)
  • Inconsistent type enforcement for finalize argument in ground state solvers (#207)
  • Failure in addition of InifiniteMPOHamiltonian (#211)
  • Incorrect indexing of Hamiltonian (#214)
  • [BUG] periodic_boundary_conditions gives invalid results (#232)


11 Dec 18:07
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MPSKit v0.11.6

Diff since v0.11.5

Merged pull requests:

  • [Bugfix] Ensure that projection environments have correct above (#204) (@lkdvos)

Closed issues:

  • FiniteExcited() throws SpaceMismatch() error (#203)


08 Dec 20:51
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MPSKit v0.11.5

Diff since v0.11.4

Small fixes and improvements

Merged pull requests:

  • CompatHelper: bump compat for VectorInterface to 0.5, (keep existing compat) (#190) (@github-actions[bot])
  • Bump codecov/codecov-action from 4 to 5 (#191) (@dependabot[bot])
  • Actions update (#192) (@lkdvos)
  • Add Hubbard excitations example (#193) (@lkdvos)
  • Macroexpand generated expressions (#197) (@lkdvos)
  • Ensure expval returns normalized values (#200) (@lkdvos)
  • update normalization convention environments (#201) (@lkdvos)

Closed issues:

  • Inconsistent normalization when computing expectation value (#194)
  • VUMPS for real-valued iMPS (#198)


14 Nov 03:38
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MPSKit v0.11.4

Diff since v0.11.3

Merged pull requests: