The program (with GUI Interface) can generate Pis4 based Potential energy surface internally (with capabilities to create input files for Gaussian, Molpro, and Psi4 for external calculations) for atom-atom (1D), rigid rotor(RR)-atom (2D) and RR-RR (4D) collision. A TensorFlow (keras) based neural networks model can be created to augment the surface with a high degree of accuracy (at both minima and high energy regions) OR (if angular augmentation is not necessary) radial terms for each angle(s) can be analytically fitted to get missing R values. Finally, the PES is fitted into Legendre (2D) and Bispherical Harmonics (4D) to get radial terms which can be used to study rotational transitions induced by the collider. The codes are useful while studying collisional 💥 dynamics of one or both species at cold ❄️ and ultracold ⛄ temperatures.
Installation Instructions:
- run
- Click on Anaconda Install (if not already installed on Linux/MacOS)
- Click on Install PES2MP or PES2MP_quick to install either of the two versions (See Below)
- Done!
The makefiles (inside the make_scripts folder
) are tested on Linux and MacOS. The quick install file does not use conda install
(where solving environments can take hours), instead, it uses python -m pip
. However, all 4 files create separate environments and can be run without clashing with each other. To understand more read 🐍
- Install anaconda
- Open conda promot
The command prompt will show `base' meaning base conda environment.
- run
chmod +x
- run
- run
chmod +x
(recommended) orchmod +x
{See manual for more information} - run
Running PES2MP:
The program can be run by keeping the input file (e.g. and Python program files together.
- run
: - Select environment (pes2mp or pes2mp_q based on installation).
- Select the folder where the input file is placed.
- The input files must be named as shown in the GUI interface.
- Also change the project name inside the input file as shown below:
import os # Gettig project name from GUI interface
Proj_name = os.getenv("Proj_name", "default_project_name")
- Select 'Copy PES2MP Files': This will copy
files into the selected folder. - There are options to open input files for making changes, running the file, and opening the output folder.
- Users can run the input files individually or together (automated serial execution) by selecting the files (tick mark).
Step 1: Copy the and files into a folder of your choice.
Step 2: Copy the input file that you want to execute (do not mix 1D/2D or 4D files)
Users can keep multiple input files (within the same folder) with the same 'Project_name' (the variable is set inside the input files) to execute them in sequence such as
- (a) PES Generation
- (b) Optional: NN Augmentation and PES plotting
- (c) Optional: Fitting PES into a Function
- (d) Multipole Expansion of PES, and
- (e) fitting Radial Terms into a function (this automatically gives &POTL file for the functions to be used in MOLSCAT).
- run
conda activate pes2mp
orconda activate pes2mp_quick
depending on installation - run
python3 pesgen1D
- Open bashrc in Ubuntu (or bash_profile in MacOS)
- Add
pes2mp (){python3 $1
at end of file. - Save and exit.
- The command for running PES2MP will now be
pes2mp pesgen1D
$ chmod +x run_test .sh
$ ./ run_test .sh
$ conda activate pes2mp # or pes2mp_q
$ python3 python_script .sh
To be updated:
- (a) Full programmer's guide
- 📬
The Python-based program automatically creates PES for various collisional pairs e.g. atom-atom (1D), rigid rotor-atom (2D), and rigid rotor-rigid rotor (4D). The program calculates and moves respective Rigid Rotor(s) (RR) to COM and generates PES using Psi4 (for rough estimation). The program also generates input files for external calculations using Molpro/Gaussian/Psi4 along with publication-ready plots with customization (title, axis, etc.) in pdf/eps formats. Simple templates ( are provided for Psi4, Gaussian, and Molpro which automatically create required input files (for each individual coordinate in XYZ format) for respective ab initio software packages. Sample input files are provided for Single point, BSSE-corrected, and CBS-extrapolation schemes for Molpro. Gaussian template defaults to BSSE corrected PES, while Psi4 can be used both internally (using pes2mp) or externally (recommended for large calculations).
The program can be utilized to separately fit minima and high energy regions for a good fit. The underlying package for the NN model is TensorFlow, which can learn multiple outputs simultaneously and is not restricted by dimensionality (i.e. data can have N inputs and M output columns). The program also keeps boundary elements (of input features) in the training dataset to prevent boundary errors. There are two models: PES-specific (default) and Generic. The PES-specific model uses Gaussian activation functions (custom-made) and a modified Slater function for high-energy and long-range extrapolation. In the generic model, GELU is the default activation function. For finding the most suitable model (layers/nodes/activation function), Keras-tuner’s (package) Bayesian Optimization tuning is used which utilizes the Gaussian process to find optimum parameters within a reasonably defined search space.
The radial terms (
Both codes (2D/4D) use least squares fit, achieved by taking the pseudo-inverse of Legendre/Spherical-Harmonics coefficients, which are saved as a 2D numpy matrix for future use.
The code is currently limited to rigid rotor - atom (2D) and rigid rotor - rigid rotor (4D) collision.
For theoretical details please follow the paper N. Sathyamurthy, “Computational fitting of ab initio potential energy surfaces,” _Comput. Phys. Rep._ 3, 1–69 (1985).
link 🧐
The radial terms (
The curve fit produces an output that is MOLSCAT readable for direct utilization in &potl block. The feature is available in a general-purpose version of the subroutine POTENL of MOLSCAT 2020. The same can be utilized to calculate cross-sections for rotational (de-)excitation of two colliding species at cold and ultracold temperatures.
PES plots are available as 1D (R vs E) and polar (R,
For any queries ✉️ Dr. T. J. Dhilip Kumar cc: Apoorv Kushwaha
Additional details about PES Generation, NN fitting, MP Expansion, and Scattering calculations can be found here:
2D collision: Benchmarking C2-He and NCCN-He 🧐, PO+-He 🧐
4D collision: NCCN-H2 🧐, CNCN-H2 🧐, C4-H2 🧐, C5-H2 🧐, PO+-H2 🧐