Releases: QW-Group/mvdsv
MVDSV 1.11
MVDSV 1.10
MVDSV 1.10 Release Notes
- BUILD: when building windows binaries do not look for libcurl (ciscon)
- CI: Update build to work with newer docker (dsvensson)
- PROTOCOL: MODELDBL2 was incorrectly never writing modelindex as 16 bit.
defaults to 7814. Clients named ezQuake with an older revision will be downgraded to opaque entities as it announced support with a broken implementation. - MVD/QTV: Align MVD stream to gameplay protocol (spawnstatic2, entitydbl, entitydbl2, modeldbl, trans, colourmod etc).
- Added three new serverinfo cvars: hostport, countrycode, city (osm)
- Add sv_idlesleep (osm)
- use size_t for holding the size of a directory, otherwise we overflow on larger directories and never clean things up. also, continue iterating through files once we've hit the limit, we will stop appending new values to the files array but continue calculating directory size.
replace rng seed generation for mods, old method would overflow but not wrap so we were stuck with the same seed after a given amount of time
Requires new QTV or QTV-Go due to the MVD stream gameplay protocol alignments. As long as no colormod entities are used, demos and QTV should still be possible to consume in outdated ezQuake clients. Enabling colormod entities will disconnect outdated ezQuake QTV clients with "msg_badread in packetentities" or similar. ezQuake from 2013 and newer should be able to read alpha attribute correctly, even if it's rendered opaque. Even without alpha and colourmod MVD/QTV was broken if a map had too many models or entities, even if fully connected clients would deal with that correctly.
Fully connected outdated clients will be dynamically downgraded to not include colormod or alpha entity properties. For alpha this will yield a warning about client potentially being at a disadvantage as maps may assume the client being able to see through some surface that is opaque for them. This downgrading only applies to clients called ezQuake
with a revision older than 7814 as it announced PEXT_TRANS support since 2013 while only partially implementing it. Official builds always have a correct revision set, scuffed ones may have revision as 1, so make sure you're not using a shallow clone when building on your own.
MVDSV 1.00
- Reduce memory during loadmap (dsvensson)
- Enable pm_bunnyspeedcap cvar (ceeeKay)
- DOWNLOAD: bump download speed (qqshka)
- DEMO: add epoch time to fullserverinfo (ciscon)
- laststats connectionless command responds with invalid json (vikpe)
MVDSV 0.36
- Added a new connectionless command:
MVDSV 0.35
MVDSV 0.35 Release Notes
- Fix for demo names that contain multiple periods in a row (ciscon)
MVDSV 0.34
MVDSV 0.34 Release Notes
- Update sv_maxping enforcement, once client has been approved do not check again. This stops users being forced to spectator between map changes. (ciscon)
- Get the CI software a little more up to date and enable libcurl for Linux x64. Note that this also links to system's libpcre now too. (fzwoch)
- Using newer distro for travis (toma)
- Fix SV_DIR path now that we aren't in build/make (ciscon)
- Enable s2c packet duplication. See PR #44 for details (mushi)
- Merged with meag's mvdsv repo, which contains tons of fixes and improvements.
MVDSV 0.33
[Released in a rush, changelog on its way]
How to update
Rename binary to mvdsv (Linux) or mvdsv.exe (Windows) and replace existing file in your MVDSV folder.
MVDSV 0.32
- BSP2 map format supported (increased map limits)
- BSP29a map format supported (increased map limits)
- BSP file lumps will be aligned to 4-byte offsets on load (fix for ARM systems)
- Protocol extension MVD_PEXT1_FLOATCOORDS supported (4-byte positions & 2-byte angles for player & entities only, per-client)
- Protocol extension MVD_PEXT1_HIGHLAGTELEPORT supported (adjusts player direction in frames immediately following teleport/spawn so the player doesn't lose speed through teleports)
- Support for mod-field
- bitflags set if entity was visible to that player (used for server-side team messages) - Support for mod-field 'hideplayers' - if bitflags set, that player is hidden from client (used for KTX race mode)
- QTV servers can be listed through the disconnected "status" command
- QTV observers can be listed through the disconnected "qtvusers" command
- Pause bugfix: no longer kicks players for userinfo spam when game is paused
allows for a secondary demo directory, doesn't appear in dlist but does allow/download demos/<filename>
(can be used to keep race demos in a different directory, or to get around 4096-file limit by moving recent demos to an archive folder)/qtv_sayenabled 1
allows qtv chat even when demo being recorded (used for KTX race mode)/sv_serveme_fix
option to allow [ServeMe] bot to communicate when/sv_bigcoords 1
disables NET_Sleep() - higher CPU usage but more reliable link between server entity ms & real time passing- Misc fixes for PR2 bots to run
- NQ mods: fix bug when copying overlapping memory regions
- Fixed long-standing issue with edict_t being different size in 32 & 64 bit builds. Still not 100% PR1 compatible though.
- "Deathmatch 0" now sent to clients to allow them to detect single-player mode
- Uses monotonic clock_gettime instead of gettimeofday on *nix systems
- Support for communicating with a central web server (
Version 0.31
Version 0.31
- Support for FTE_PEXT_FLOATCOORDS, can be turned on with
/sv_bigcoords 1
. - Fixed memory leak when
changed - Work started on synchronising mvdsv with ezquake source
- File system changes should be picked up more often when
enabled - Removed
(equivalent value of 1 always used) - Added
cvars (values limited to range -89.9 to 89.9) /script
command no longer calls system()- Bug causing corrupt userinfo/serverinfo strings fixed
command takes optional 2nd parameter to specify the .ent file to load- Player's gender sent out to other clients in userinfo
- CapNBubs model isn't reported as modified as player connects
/qtv_maxstreams 0
is unlimited streams, rather than 0- Encrypted rcon works on 64-bit platforms
correctly updates player name client-side- Fix bug allowing spectators to /join, skipping player-only login requirement
Version 0.30
v0.30 Version 0.30