This is the source code for the website.
This Repository was bootstraped from a PyconUg/pycon-africa@ca86f37
- Before you can run the site, you will need to install these requirements:
Once those are installed, you can do the following:
- Clone or fork the repo
Follow the guide on GitHub Help - Fork a Repo to understand how to clone or fork a repo.
- Use poetry to install all the prerequisite Python packages
poetry install
- Get your database set up
# open a poetry shell. This activates the virtual environment associated with the project
poetry shell
# look at the shell prompt, it will look a little different. This means that the virtual environment is active
# Then run the migrations
python migrate
- Now everything is set up; you can run the application
# If your virtual environment is not active, then activate it
poetry shell
# Run the server
python runserver
You'll see a whole lot of output in the terminal, it will look something like this:
Watching for file changes with StatReloader
Performing system checks...
System check identified no issues (0 silenced).
April 12, 2024 - 06:16:26
Django version 5.0.4, using settings 'pyconafrica.settings'
Starting development server at
Quit the server with CONTROL-C.
Now open up a web browser and visit the url that was mentioned. It should be
That's all. Now the site is running.