This videogame has been developed as by our team for the final examination of the Computer Graphics course at Politecnico di Milano (A.Y. 2020/2021) - MSc Computer Science. We've implemented rendering techniques from scratch using WebGL technology.
Final score was 30 cum laude / 30 (A+)
- Alessandro Lisi
- Alice Piemonti
- Luca Vecchio
- GameObject class (mesh, position, rotation, size ..) OBJ Loading
- Diffuse Texture and Normal Maps (different for each object in scene)
- Lambert Diffuse + Phong Specular shading
- Animations
- Camera Movement
- Raycast
- Multiple Skyboxes
- Customizable Spotlight (Decay), Directional Light, Point Light, Ambient Light + Emission
- Different KITS (Wood, Plastic, Neon, Marble) changing shader’s parameters and look and feel
- HTML GUI + Promotion card selection via user interface
Developed from scratch using WebGL and JS.