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SpaDES CBM is a SpaDES project for modelling forest carbon balances in Canada. spadesCBM is a modular, transparent, and spatially explicit implementation of the logic, pools structure, equations, and default assumptions of the Carbon Budget Model of the Canadian Forest Sector CBM. It applies the science presented in @kurz2009 in a similar way to the simulations in @boisvenue2016 and @boisvenue2022 but calls Python functions for annual processes. These functions are, like much of modelling-based science, continuously under development.

SpaDES Modules

Key modules

Data preparation modules


The examples directory contains SpaDES simulation project scripts that can be used to run a SpaDES CBM simulation. Each project has a set study area, time span, and sometimes other custom inputs or parameters.

See the Forest Carbon Modelling in SpaDES for more information.