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Python scripts to backport and theme Apple Color Emoji font.


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Python and shell scripts to backport and theme Apple Color Emoji font.


Prerequisites (Theming)

Before anything

  1. Copy Apple Color Emoji.ttc from /System/Library/Fonts of your macOS instance to the root of this repository and rename it to AppleColorEmoji_macOS.ttc.
  2. Copy AppleColorEmoji font from your iOS instance to the root of this repository and rename it to AppleColorEmoji_iOS.ttc. Read here for the exact file path.
  3. Execute source ~/.venv/bin/activate to activate the virtual environment for Python scripts. Run this first every time you run scripts in this repository.
  4. Execute ./ to create emoji TTF files and tables. Run this once.

Building Apple Color Emoji font

Build format: ./ <OS> && ./ [HD]

Replace <OS> with macOS (if you have both macOS and iOS fonts) or iOS (if you only have iOS font).

Replace [HD] with HD if you want to build HD version (160x160 image set included), or leave it blank for normal version.

Executing ./ <OS> && ./ will get AppleColorEmoji@2x.ttc (for iOS 10 and above) and AppleColorEmoji@2x.ttf (for iOS 9 and below) for you under apple directory.

Notable Python Scripts

EmojiFonts deals with certain font tables; mainly GDEF and sbix. resizes and shifts the multi-skinned emojis that pair up as one, including couples and handshake, to have them displayed on iOS 13 and below correctly where there is no render logic to automatically place the pair close together.

GDEF table which maps each of paired emojis to a certain class, is modified by the scripts. This is for the easiest backward-compatible solution for the emoji font. In this table, emojis with class 1 and 3 represent left and right, respectively. With those present, the text render engine on iOS 14+ will try to place the pair close together again even when we applied to the font. Another script ensures that there are no class 1 and 3 emojis that will otherwise be visible to the users. extracts PNG emoji images from the font. This opens up the possibility to theme the emoji font.

Also in, it detects glyphs of type flip, reads the actual image glyph ID that they reference to, programmatically flips them and then extracts them. flip glyphs are present in iOS 17.4 version of Apple Color Emoji font and not supported by any lower OS versions. They are for directional emojis - Apple has a single image for each direction, and the font uses flip glyphs to render the correct image.

PNG Optimization

pngquant and oxipng are used to optimize the images with little to none changes to the quality. The Apple emoji font sizes are reduced by 50% using this method. The simpler the emoji images, the more size reduction is achieved.


Theming scripts for all emojis vendors produce the font in TTC format. The font may be used by EmojiFontManager iOS tweak, and is guaranteed to work on iOS 6 and higher. Ensure that you executed ./ <OS> && ./ HD before following instructions below.

It is recommended to limit the depth of clone to 1 (git clone --depth 1 because of a long history of commits.

Blobmoji Emoji

  1. Clone blobmoji and place its folder alongside this project.
  2. Execute cd blobmoji && ./ to create themed font, output at blobmoji/blobmoji.ttc.

Facebook Emoji

  1. Clone facebook-emojis and place its folder alongside this project.
  2. Execute cd facebook && ./ to create them themed font, output at facebook/facebook.ttc.

FluentUI Emoji

  1. Clone fluentui-emoji and place its folder alongside this project.
  2. Execute cd fluentui && ./ STYLE (where STYLE is one of this list: Color, Flat, High Contrast) to create themed font, output at fluentui/fluentui-STYLE.ttc.

Google Noto Color Emoji

  1. Clone noto-emoji and place its folder alongside this project.
  2. Execute cd noto-emoji && ./ to create the themed font, output at noto-emoji/noto-emoji.ttc.

JoyPixels Emoji

  1. Clone emoji-assets and place its folder alongside this project.
  2. Execute cd joypixels && ./ to create themed font, output at joypixels/joypixels.ttc.

OpenMoji Emoji

  1. Clone openmoji and place its folder alongside this project.
  2. Execute cd openmoji && ./ to create themed font, output at openmoji/openmoji.ttc.

Samsung One UI Emoji

  1. Retrieve SamsungColorEmoji.ttf with Samsung One UI emojis somehow and place that in oneui folder.
  2. Execute cd oneui && ./ to create themed font, output at oneui/oneui.ttc.

Toss Face Emoji

  1. Download TossFaceFontMac.ttf from tossface GitHub Releases and place that in tossface folder.
  2. Execute cd tossface && ./ to create themed font, output at tossface/tossface.ttc.

Twitter Twemoji

  1. Clone twemoji and place its folder alongside this project.
  2. Execute cd twemoji && ./ to create the themed font, output at twemoji/twemoji.ttc.

WhatsApp Emoji

  1. Clone whatsapp-emoji-linux and place its folder alongside this project.
  2. Execute cd whatsapp && ./ to create themed font, output at whatsapp/whatsapp.ttc.