The ISB API (Imperial Security Bureau API) is a RESTful API for managing Star Wars Armada game data, including ships, squadrons, upgrade cards, and objectives. Built with Node.js, ExpressJS, and Golang, this API serves static JSON files and optimized images through a dedicated image server.
- RESTful endpoints for all game components
- Optimized image serving with WebP format and blurhash previews
- CORS protection for authorized domains
- Rate limiting
- Detailed error handling
- Automatic JSON combination for distributed contributions
Clone the repository:
git clone
Install dependencies:
npm install
Start the servers:
npm start # Start the main API server
npm run images # Start the image server (separate terminal)
For development:
npm run dev
public/ ├── converted-json/ │ ├── ships/ │ ├── squadrons/ │ ├── upgrades/ │ └── objectives/ ├── images/ │ ├── ships/ │ ├── squadrons/ │ ├── upgrades/ │ └── objectives/ └── thumbnails/
- API Server:
- Image Server:
The API currently does not require authentication for read operations. CORS is enabled for the following domains:
- 100 requests per minute per IP address
- Rate limit headers included in responses
- Images are cached for 7 days
- JSON responses include ETags
- Cache-Control headers are set appropriately
- GET / - Check API status
{ "status": "ok", "version": "1.0.0" }
- GET /api/ships - Retrieve all ships
- GET /api/ships/{shipId} - Retrieve specific ship
- GET /api/ships/search - Search ships with filters
- Query Parameters:
: Filter by factionsize
: Filter by ship sizepoints
: Filter by point cost rangename
: Search by name
- Query Parameters:
- GET /api/squadrons - Retrieve all squadrons
- GET /api/squadrons/{squadronId} - Retrieve specific squadron
- GET /api/squadrons/search - Search squadrons with filters
- Query Parameters:
: Filter by factionunique
: Filter unique squadronspoints
: Filter by point cost range
- Query Parameters:
- GET /api/upgrades - Retrieve all upgrades
- GET /api/upgrades/{upgradeId} - Retrieve specific upgrade
- GET /api/upgrades/search - Search upgrades with filters
- Query Parameters:
: Filter by upgrade typefaction
: Filter by factionpoints
: Filter by point cost range
- Query Parameters:
- GET /api/objectives - Retrieve all objectives
- GET /api/objectives/{objectiveId} - Retrieve specific objective
- GET /api/objectives/search - Search objectives with filters
- Query Parameters:
: Filter by objective type
- Query Parameters:
- GET /images/{filename} - Retrieve full-size image
- GET /thumbnails/{filename} - Retrieve thumbnail
- Supported formats: .webp, .png, .jpg, .jpeg
- Images are served with appropriate cache headers
- Blurhash preview data available in the images.json file
The API uses JSON files to store and serve data. The main data structures are:
- Ships
- Squadrons
- Upgrades
- Objectives
Each entity has its own JSON schema. For detailed schema information, refer to the following files:
"ships": {
"ship_name": {
"UID": "[generate]",
"type": "chassis",
"chassis_name": "string",
"size": "string",
"hull": number,
"speed": {
"1": [number],
"2": [number, number],
"3": [number, number, number],
"4": [number, number, number, number]
"shields": {
"front": number,
"rear": number,
"left": number,
"right": number,
"left_aux": number,
"right_aux": number
"hull_zones": {
"frontoffset": number,
"centeroffset": number,
"rearoffset": number,
"frontangle": number,
"centerangle": number,
"rearangle": number
"silhouette": "[link to image]",
"blueprint": "[link to image]",
"models": {
"model_name": {
"author": "UID",
"alias": "string",
"team": "string",
"release": "string",
"expansion": "string",
"UID": "[generate]",
"type": "ship",
"chassis": "string",
"name": "string",
"faction": "string",
"unique": boolean,
"traits": ["string"],
"points": number,
"tokens": {
"def_scatter": number,
"def_evade": number,
"def_brace": number,
"def_redirect": number,
"def_contain": number,
"def_salvo": number
"values": {
"command": number,
"squadron": number,
"engineer": number
"upgrades": ["commander", "officer", "weapons-team", "support-team", "fleet-command", "fleet-support", "offensive-retro", "weapons-team-offensive-retro", "defensive-retro", "experimental-retro", "turbolaser", "ion-cannon", "ordnance", "super-weapon", "title"],
"armament": {
"asa": [red, blue, black],
"front": [red, blue, black],
"rear": [red, blue, black],
"left": [red, blue, black],
"right": [red, blue, black],
"left_aux": [red, blue, black],
"right_aux": [red, blue, black],
"special": [red, blue, black]
"artwork": "",
"cardimage": ""
"squadrons": {
"squadron_name": {
"author": "string",
"alias": "string",
"team": "string",
"release": "string",
"expansion": "string",
"_id": null,
"type": "squadron",
"faction": "faction_name",
"squadron_type": "squadron_uid",
"name": "squadron_name",
"ace-name": "string",
"unique-class": ["string"],
"irregular": boolean,
"hull": number,
"speed": number,
"tokens": {
"def_scatter": number,
"def_evade": number,
"def_brace": number
"armament": {
"anti-squadron": [red, blue, black],
"anti-ship": [red, blue, black]
"abilities": {
"adept": number,
"ai-battery": number,
"ai-antisquadron": number,
"assault": boolean,
"bomber": boolean,
"cloak": boolean,
"counter": number,
"dodge": number,
"escort": boolean,
"grit": boolean,
"heavy": boolean,
"intel": boolean,
"relay": number,
"rogue": boolean,
"scout": boolean,
"screen": boolean,
"snipe": number,
"strategic": boolean,
"swarm": boolean
"ability": "string",
"unique": boolean,
"points": number,
"silhouette": "",
"artwork": "",
"cardimage": ""
"upgrades": {
"upgrade_name": {
"author": "UID",
"alias": "string",
"team": "string",
"release": "string",
"expansion": "string",
"UID": "[generate]",
"type": "upgrade_category/commander/title/etc",
"faction": ["rebel","empire","republic","separatist"],
"name": "upgrade_name",
"unique-class": ["string"],
"ability": "string",
"unique": boolean,
"points": number,
"modification": boolean,
"bound_shiptype": "ship_type or blank",
"restrictions": {
"traits": ["trait"],
"size": ["small","medium", "large"],
"disqual_upgrades": ["","upgrade_type"],
"disable_upgrades": ["","upgrade_type"],
"flagship": boolean
"start_command": {
"type": "blank, token, or dial",
"start_icon": ["any", "squadron", "repair", "navigate", "confire"],
"start_amount": number
"exhaust": {
"type": "blank, recur, nonrecur",
"ready_token": ["any", "squadron", "repair", "navigate", "confire"],
"ready_amount": number
"artwork": "",
"cardimage": ""
"objectives": {
"objective_name": {
"author": "UID",
"alias": "string",
"team": "string",
"release": "string",
"expansion": "string",
"_id": "[generate]",
"type": "assault/defense/navigation/special",
"name": "objective_name",
"obstacles": ["string", "string", "etc."],
"setup": "string",
"special_rule": "string",
"end_of_round": "string",
"end_of_game": "string",
"victory_tokens": boolean,
"victory_tokens_points": number,
"objective_tokens": boolean,
"objective_tokens_type": "string",
"objective_tokens_count": [number],
"command_tokens": boolean,
"command_tokens_type": "string",
"command_tokens_value": "per ship, per player, per command, etc.",
"command_tokens_count": number,
"errata": "string",
"artwork": "[link to image]",
"cardimage": "[link to card image]"
The API uses standard HTTP status codes. In case of an error, the response will include an error message in the following format:
"error": {
"code": 404,
"message": "Resource not found",
"path": "/api/ships/nonexistent",
"method": "GET",
"timestamp": "2023-06-01T12:34:56.789Z",
"requestId": "unique-request-id"
The API has a rate limit of 100 requests per minute per IP address.
- Fork the repository
- Create your feature branch (
git checkout -b feature/AmazingFeature
) - Commit your changes (
git commit -m 'Add some AmazingFeature'
) - Push to the branch (
git push origin feature/AmazingFeature
) - Open a Pull Request
Fork the repository to your GitHub account:
- On GitHub, click the
button in the top-right corner of the repository page.
- On GitHub, click the
Clone your forked repository to your local machine using the following command in your terminal:
git clone
- In VSCode, you can open the terminal with
or by navigating toTerminal > New Terminal
from the menu.
- In VSCode, you can open the terminal with
Create a new branch with a descriptive name, e.g.,
, by using the following command:git checkout -b your-name-base-wavenumber
- In VSCode, use the
Source Control
tab (icon on the left panel) to view and manage branches. - Alternatively, use the command palette (
) and type "Git: Create Branch" to initiate this process from the UI.
- In VSCode, use the
Navigate to the appropriate folder for your changes:
- In the VSCode file explorer, click on the directory structure to navigate to the relevant path:
- For squadrons:
- For ships:
- For upgrades:
- For squadrons:
- In the VSCode file explorer, click on the directory structure to navigate to the relevant path:
Create a new JSON file for the item you're adding:
- Right-click the folder in VSCode and select
New File
, name it (e.g.,gauntlet.json
for a Gauntlet fighter).
- Right-click the folder in VSCode and select
Copy the appropriate template from the
folder:- Open the
folder, locate the correct template (e.g.,squadron-template.json
), right-click, and selectCopy
. - Paste it into your newly created JSON file.
- Open the
Fill in the details according to the relevant guide:
- Follow the Ship Guide, Squadron Guide, or Upgrade Guide to enter the correct values.
- You can use VSCode's built-in JSON formatting (
) to ensure proper structure and readability.
Commit your changes with a descriptive commit message:
- In the terminal, use the following commands:
git add . git commit -m "Added Gauntlet fighter JSON file"
- Alternatively, in the
Source Control
tab, stage changes with the+
button next to the files and commit directly from the UI by typing a message and pressingCtrl+Enter
- In the terminal, use the following commands:
Push your changes to your forked repository:
- In the terminal, run:
git push origin your-name-base-wavenumber
- Or use the
Source Control
tab, where VSCode will prompt you to push the branch after committing changes.
- In the terminal, run:
Create a pull request to merge your changes:
- Go to your GitHub forked repository, and GitHub will display an option to create a
New Pull Request
. Follow the prompts to select the branch and target repository.
- Go to your GitHub forked repository, and GitHub will display an option to create a
- Git Checkout Branch:
→ "Git: Checkout to..." - Create a New File: Right-click folder → "New File"
- Format JSON: Select file →
- View Git Changes:
(Opens Source Control tab)
You don't need to manually combine the new JSON file with the main squadrons.json
, ships.json
, or upgrades.json
files. The repository uses a script, jsoncombiner.js
, to automatically combine individual files after review and merging.