- vimrc (vimtex is incomplete)
- gitignore
- zshrc files
- zshrc
- aliases.sh
- zsh_scripts.sh
- tmux.conf files (currently incomplete)
- tmux.conf
- tmux-status.conf
* Indentation set to 2 spaces
* Colour column at 80 chars for each line
* Allows usage of the mouse
* Esc mapped to jj in insert mode
* Esc mapped to <Return> in visual mode
* Shift+k (K) to turn off search highlights
* Both j and k mapped to gj and gk for navigating line wraps, but commands like 5j and 5k remain the same (does not count line wraps)
* % mapped to <Tab>
* Leader mapped to <Space>
* <Leader> k to toggle colour column
* <Leader> y for yanking to Mac's clipboard
* <Leader> d for deleting and yanking to Mac's clipboard
* <Leader> p for pasting from Mac's clipboard
* + used for toggling between comments and code
* <Leader> f to toggle nerdtree (files in current directory)
* Quickscope underlines first or second occurrences of characters when f, F, t, or T are pressed
* Ale is for syntax checking in Vim
Please note that vimtex configurations are not complete and will be updated at a later date.
* command-line autosuggestions
* z plugin used to directly jump to recently used directories
* extract command used to extract various compressed files
* git aliases
* cd + ls functions for navigating
* functions for compiling and executing c and c++ files
Currently contains basic remappings. tmux.conf will be updated again in the future.