I'm Piotr, a passionate and self-taught high school student with a love for programming and software development. I've been on this incredible journey for the past six years, continuously expanding my skills and knowledge in various technologies. My primary focus is on full stack web development, and I enjoy working with TypeScript, React.js, Python, Kotlin, SQL, and MongoDB. I also have experience creating frontends for mobile apps, providing a seamless user experience across different platforms.
Here are a couple of projects I've worked on:
Blind Dating is a unique dating event platform that connects people based on their age, interests, and personality traits. The platform provides an intuitive and engaging user interface built with Node.js, TypeScript, Next.js, React.js, Chakra UI, and Python. I also utilized Docker Compose for containerization, Redis for efficient caching, and MongoDB for data storage. OAuth was implemented to ensure secure user authentication.
SignumLBRI is a comprehensive bookshop website designed specifically for school book fairs. Users can easily sell and manage their school books through this platform. The website is built using Node.js, TypeScript, Pug.js, Bootstrap, and Webpack. MongoDB is used for efficient data management.
I'm always looking for new opportunities and collaborations to enhance my skills and contribute to exciting projects. If you're interested in working together or simply want to connect, feel free to reach out to me on LinkedIn or drop me an email at piotrekpolocz@gmail.com
Looking forward to connecting with you and making a positive impact through innovative software solutions!
- Languages: TypeScript, JavaScript, Python, Kotlin
- Frontend: React.js, Next.js, HTML, CSS, Bootstrap, Chakra UI
- Backend: Node.js, Express.js
- Databases: SQL, MongoDB
- Tools and Technologies: Docker, Docker Compose, Redis, OAuth