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PhiZone Player

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PhiZone Player is an HTML5 Phigros chart player/simulator based on Phaser.


This project is made possible by:


Much of this program resembles any other Phigros chart player/simulator, so this section will focus solely on its unique features.

User-friendly landing page

Designed with Preline UI and daisyUI, the landing page is meticulously written to be as intuitive yet powerful as possible.

Choose either some files (or .zip/.pez archives) or an entire folder, and chart bundles will be automatically detected according to Re: PhiEdit (or RPE) metadata files (typically named info.txt) in which a chart, a song, and an illustration are specified. Any other files that fail to be recognized, which are most likely multimedia that will be referenced by the chart, or the extra.json from Phira, will be presented in the assets.

On desktop platforms, you can open .zip/.pez archives directly with the PhiZone Player app.

On mobile platforms, you can share chart archives to the app so that it can receive and resolve them.

Additionally, the program can automatically download files from URLs specified in the zip and file search parameters. A zip parameter should be provided a URL to a zip archive, while a file parameter should be provided a URL to a regular file.

Innovative keyboard controls

Similar to a video player, the program includes handy keyboard controls that are available in autoplay/practice mode:

  • Pause/Resume: Press Space to toggle. (In practice mode, press ⇧ Shift+Space to pause.)
  • Rewind/Forward: Use / to jump 5 seconds, or ⇧ Shift+ / ⇧ Shift+ for precise 0.1-second adjustments.

Besides, ESC is always available to pause with/resume from the pause screen, and you can use alphanumeric and punctuation keys on your keyboard to hit the notes when autoplay is off.

APNG support

Animated PNGs are an excellent alternative to GIFs, offering enhanced color fidelity and the support of an 8-bit alpha channel for smoother transparency effects.

An APNG acts exactly the same way as a GIF does, unless the number of repetitions is specified in the file, according to the APNG specification.

Z indexes

The Z index (depth) defines the order in which game objects are rendered. The lower the value, the earlier they are rendered.

Default Z index (depth) Object(s)
0 Illustration
1 Background video, if present
[2, 3) Judgment lines, the order of which are determined by their zOrder values
3 Hold notes
4 Drag notes
5 Tap notes
6 Flick notes
7 Hit effects
8 Pause button
9 Combo counter
10 Text beneath the combo counter
11 Score
12 Std deviation & accuracy
13 Progress bar
14 Song title
15 Level name & difficulty

The Z indexes of judgment lines whose zIndex is not present (see Chart enhancements) are calculated based on their zOrder values (code here). Simply put, the values are mapped onto [0, 1) and made equally spaced, and then get added by 2 to become Z indexes. See examples below.

zOrder Z index
0, 10, 20, 30 2, 2.25, 2.5, 2.75
127, 0, 0, 1 2.6667, 2, 2, 2.3333
1, 2, 5, 6, 114514 2, 2.2, 2.4, 2.6, 2.8

Chart enhancements

Aside from adding support for RPE features, we've also designed some original properties for judgment lines & notes.

Property Value(s) Example Description
scaleOnNotes 0: none; 1: scale; 2: clip "scaleOnNotes": 2 Belongs to a judgment line. Decides how scaleX events affect notes. Defaults to 0.
appearanceOnAttach 0: hidden; 1: white colored; 2: FC/AP colored "appearanceOnAttach": 2 Belongs to a judgment line. Decides how the line will be displayed when a UI component or any video is attached to it. Color events will override the color defined by these options. Defaults to 0.
zIndex an integer or a float "zIndex": 3.5 Belongs to a judgment line or note. Sets the Z index for the object. For a judgment line, this property, if set, overrides the zOrder property, allowing for more control over on which layer the line should be displayed. For default values, see Z indexes.
zIndexHitEffects an integer or a float "zIndexHitEffects": 6.5 Belongs to a note. Sets the Z index for the hit effects of the note. Defaults to 7.
tint [R, G, B], as seen in colorEvents; null "tint": [255, 0, 0] Belongs to a note. Sets the tint for the note. Defaults to null.
tintHitEffects [R, G, B], as seen in colorEvents; null "tintHitEffects": [255, 0, 0] Belongs to a note. Sets the tint for the hit effects of the note. Defaults to null.

Video enhancements

Support for videos in extra.json gets extended with the following new properties for each entry in the videos list:

Property Type Description
zIndex Number Determines the Z index for this video. Defaults to 1.
attach Object Attaches this video to a judgment line, if this property is present. See below for details.

Properties residing in the attach object:

Property Type Description
line Number Determines which line this video is attached to.
positionXFactor (optional) Number Multiplied by the x position of the line, determines the x position of this video. Defaults to 1.
positionYFactor (optional) Number Multiplied by the y position of the line, determines the y position of this video. Defaults to 1.
rotationFactor (optional) Number Multiplied by the rotation of the line, determines the rotation of this video. Defaults to 1.
alphaFactor (optional) Number Multiplied by the alpha of the line, determines the alpha of this video, together with the alpha property of the video itself. Defaults to 1.
tintFactor (optional) Number Multiplied by the tint of the line, determines the tint of this video. Defaults to 1.
scaleXMode (optional) Number Determines how scaleX events of the line affect this video. Values same as in scaleOnNotes. Defaults to 0.
scaleYMode (optional) Number Determines how scaleY events of the line affect this video. Values same as in scaleOnNotes. Defaults to 0.

Shader enhancements

Except for WebGL's incompatibilities with newer versions of GLSL, the program supports not only all the shader features defined by extra.json, but also one original addition to the standard: target range.

A target range defines a list of depth-adjacent (next to each other on the Z axis) game objects that a shader event is applied to. It belongs directly to a shader event (as the optional targetRange property) and consists of the following properties:

Property Type Description
minZIndex Number Defines the minimum Z index (depth) of this range. Inclusive.
maxZIndex Number Defines the maximum Z index (depth) of this range. Exclusive.
exclusive (optional) Boolean Determines whether this range should exclude the range of another active shader event when the two ranges intersect but this range is not a superset of the other. Defaults to false.

If the global property of a shader event is set to true, then its targetRange will not function.

One thing to note is that a single object cannot be rendered in parallel by two or more shaders. However, a set of targets from one shader event can be safely contained within the targets of another shader event. This leads to the concept of the exclusive property - it determines whether or not to "swallow" another set of objects when it intersects with but is not a subset of the current.

Click to show an example of extra.json incorporating target ranges.
  // ...
  "effects": [
      "start": [293, 0, 1],
      "end": [300, 0, 1],
      "shader": "/example.glsl",
      "global": false,
      "targetRange": {
        "minZIndex": 3,
        "maxZIndex": 4,
      }, // Hold notes
      "vars": {
        // ...
      "start": [293, 0, 1],
      "end": [463, 0, 1],
      "shader": "/example.glsl",
      "global": false,
      "targetRange": {
        "minZIndex": 8,
        "maxZIndex": 16,
      }, // The entire UI
      "vars": {
        // ...
      "start": [66, 0, 1],
      "end": [296, 0, 1],
      "shader": "/another-example.glsl",
      "global": true,
      // targetRange is optional
      "vars": {
        // ...

Notice that there are two events that share the same shader code. This is a workaround when you want to apply the same shader to objects that are not adjacent on the Z axis.


pnpm is required to install dependencies and run scripts.


Command Description
pnpm i Installs project dependencies
pnpm dev Launches a development web server
pnpm build Creates a production build in the build folder and copies it to Android and iOS projects
pnpm desktop Creates a production build for desktop platforms
pnpm android Opens the Android project in Android Studio
pnpm ios Opens the iOS project in Xcode


Feature Version Remark Status/Progress 功能
Basic RPE support 0.0.1 ✅ Done 基本 RPE 适配
Support for custom line textures 0.0.1 ✅ Done 判定线自定义贴图适配
Support for flipping modes 0.0.1 ✅ Done 镜像模式适配
Support for custom hit sounds 0.0.1 ✅ Done 自定义打击音效适配
Support for zOrder 0.0.1 ✅ Done Z 轴排序适配
Basic support for the extended event layer 0.0.2 Excluding GIF events & incline events ✅ Done 扩展事件层的基本适配
Cross-platform distribution 0.0.3 Plan to reference this blog ✅ Done 跨平台分发
Support for Phira extra.json 0.0.4 Including shaders ✅ Done1 Phira extra.json 适配
Support for attachUI 0.0.4 ✅ Done UI 绑定适配
Support for anchors 0.0.4 ✅ Done 锚点适配
Support for APNGs 0.0.4 ✅ Done APNG 格式适配
Shader feature enhancements 0.0.5 More flexibility ✅ Done 着色器功能增强
Support for Bézier easings 0.0.5 ✅ Done 贝塞尔缓动适配
Video feature enhancements 0.0.5 ✅ Done 视频功能增强
Offset adjustment mode 0.0.6 ✅ Done 延迟调整模式
Full support for the extended event layer 0.0.6 GIF events & incline events ✅ Done 扩展事件层的完全适配
Support for all note properties 0.0.7 ✅ Done 所有 Note 属性的适配
Better input detections 0.0.8 Especially for Flicks ✅ Done 输入检测优化
Full RPE support 0.1.0 ✅ Done 完全 RPE 适配
Web deployment 0.1.0 ✅ Done Web 部署
Optimized shader node insertion logic 0.1.1 ✅ Done 着色器节点插入逻辑优化
New version notification 0.1.1 ✅ Done 新版本通知
File association 0.1.2 For desktop distributions ✅ Done 文件关联
Send intent 0.1.2 ✅ Done2 发送意图
Channel messaging 0.1.2 Send/receive message events ✅ Done 频道通信
PE support 0.1.2 ✅ Done PE 适配
Keyboard input 0.1.2 ✅ Done 键盘输入
Customizable resource pack 0.1.3 可自定义资源包
Local chart bundle storage 0.1.4 本地谱包存储
Alignment with official/RPE constants 0.1.5 Hold tolerances, texture size units, etc. 🚧 Working 官/RPE 常数对齐
Optimization 0.1.5 🚧 Working 优化
Streaming mode 0.1.6 ⏳ Postponed 流转模式
PhiZone integration 0.2.0 PhiZone 集成
Masking lines 0.2.1 Polygon-shaped masks applied to notes (or optionally lines), defined by one or several lines (masking lines) and the screen edges 遮罩线
(Shader enhancement) Support for sampler uniforms 0.2.2 ⏳ Postponed (着色器增强)sampler 型变量支持
Rendering mode 0.3.0 渲染模式
Refactoring with MonoGame 1.0.0 使用 MonoGame 重构
Basic editing features 1.0.0 Basic note & event editing 基本编辑功能
Editor mode 2.0.0 编辑模式
Sceneplex 2.1.0 UML/DSL for fully-customizable scenes 场景综合演绎

1 Support for fragment shaders is partial, due to WebGL relying on an older version of GLSL.
2 The app currently shows up for application/zip and application/octet-stream files on Android and any type of files on iOS/iPadOS. This is not the desired behavior and is subject to change.

A version is reached when at least one feature from the current or future versions is marked as 🚧 Working and all features from the previous versions are marked as ✅ Done. A version is released only when all features from both the current and preceding versions are marked as ✅ Done.


Game assets are stored in ./static/game. A tree view of the folder is as follows:

│   HitEffects.png
│   line.png
│   Pause.svg
│   Progress.png
│       GradeHit.wav
│       LevelOver0.wav
│       LevelOver1.wav
│       LevelOver2.wav
│       LevelOver3.wav
│       LevelOver4.wav
│   └───Outfit
│           OFL.txt
│           Outfit.fnt
│           Outfit.png
│       A.png
│       B.png
│       C.png
│       F.png
│       Phi.png
│       S.png
│       V-FC.png
│       V.png
│       Drag.wav
│       Flick.wav
│       Tap.wav
│       Drag.png
│       DragHL.png
│       Flick.png
│       FlickHL.png
│       Hold.png
│       HoldTail.png
│       HoldTailHL.png
│       HoldHead.png
│       HoldHeadHL.png
│       HoldHL.png
│       Tap.png
│       TapHL.png

We deeply appreciate those who generously granted us permission to use their works free of charge. The full credits are listed below:

  • note skins & hit effects by 星鹿ELEC;
  • hitsounds from Phigrim;
  • results music by Supa7onyz a.k.a. Normal1zer (PHIZONE PROPRIETARY ASSETS);
  • grade letters by Naptie (using Black Ops One font by James Grieshaber and Eben Sorkin licensed under SIL Open Font License Version 1.1)
  • shaders (shaders/*), the majority of which are licensed under MIT/CC0, with a few exceptions from ShaderToy licensed under the default CC BY-NC-SA 3.0 license specified by the site;
  • fonts (fonts/**), licenses presented in OFL.txt in each font folder;
  • Pause.svg by Font Awesome, licensed under CC BY 4.0;
  • ending/GradeHit.wav by Naptie with sound effects on Pixabay, licensed under CC BY-NC-SA 4.0.


A list of web deployments is as follows:

App distributions for Windows, macOS, Linux, Android and iOS/iPadOS can be found in the GitHub releases.


We use Sentry and Google Analytics for error tracking and usage data analysis.


Stargazers over time

Stargazers over time

© PhiZone.

Some rights reserved.