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Pete edited this page Feb 9, 2018 · 6 revisions

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  • W2Bin( <nNumber> ) cBuffer
    returns two bytes character string that contain 16-bit encoded unsigned short integer (least significant byte first).

  • WaitPeriod( [<nDelay>] ) lNotElapsed
    returns .T. , if the time span specified by <nDelay> has not elapsed. <nDelay> is the waiting period given in 1/100 of seconds. Values can range from 1 to 8.640.000 (one day).

  • __Wait( xPrompt ) cKeyPressed
    undocumented function similar to WAIT command.

  • WClose() nNextWindowID

  • Week([<dDate>]) - nWeekOfYear
    returns a sequential week number that designates in which week of the year <dDate> lies.

  • WOpen( <nTop>, <nLeft>, <nBottom>, <nRight>, [<lClear>] ) nWindowID

  • Word( <nDouble> ) nInteger
    returns integer in the range -32767..32767

  • WoY( <dDate>, <lIso> ) nWeek
    returns the week number of the year for a given date. It returns ISO-based week number, i.e. in range 0..52, by default (or passing TRUE as second parameter), or in range 1..52 if lIso is FALSE.

  • WSelect( [<nWindowID>] ) nCurrentWindow

  • WSetShadow( [<xNewColor>] ) nOldColor

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Harbour exclusive functions Clipper compatible functions
hb_A A
hb_B B
hb_C C
hb_D D
hb_E E
hb_F F
hb_G G
hb_H H
hb_I I
hb_J_K J K
hb_L L
hb_M M
hb_N_O N O
hb_P P
hb_R Q R
hb_S S
hb_T T
hb_U U
hb_V V W
hb_W X Y

  • Contrib. Libraries
HBWIN WinAPI Library Compress Libraries
HBHPDF Library (Haru) Multi Threading
Harbour Socket API hbCT (Cl*pper tools)
Serial API hbNF (NanForum library)
HBCURL cURL API Library Mini-XML docs

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