This organisation-overview repo describes the organisation with a All members have admin access to the organisation, can edit this README, add additional pinned repos, create projects and teams and generally improve on the repo :D .
In PerryLab GitHub organisation we can upload source code (e.g., sourceable files of functions) that other's can use, branch, refine and merge. Branching and editing source code is much better on git than on dropbox (remember the first code review through dropbox?)
Github is as good as dropbox for general resources (e.g., slides) but can be used as a central location for lab talks and code review. It is super easy to fork repos from your personal github to the organisation. Go to your repo, click fork in the top right and select PerryLab (the fork will be aware of any changes committed to the original repo).
GitHub does not have a way of creating a directory structure in an organisation (the organisation is just a long list of repos) so we can use 'topics':
- Fork your repo to PerryLab (see above)
- Click the cog next to 'About' in the forked repo
- Add topics
- things like: your-name, talk, talks, r, package, source-code, pateke, group-project, stats (see existing)
To find Andre's GLM talk, filter by glm or andre.
You can also add links to this readme and take advantage of markdown syntax
- haha even checkboxes!
- add topics to repo
- add repo link to this (not essential but a nice way to organise and see things)
- Everything you need to know about GLMs
- fst package for saving memory in large dataframes
- GitHub basics
- to be added
- for the future