Hello! I am excited to share my Project of A ‘Quiz Bot on Discord’ !
Use this Bot to start a Quiz of the ‘Fastest Finger First’ or 'Trivia' type between your friends!
Use the ‘/start’ command and specify the number of questions you would like in the ‘amount’ argument.
Optional arguments include ‘category’ and ‘difficulty’, which can be used to specify the Category and Difficulty of the Quiz respectively.
Upon implementation of the ‘/start’ command, the Bot will respond with an Embed with a Button asking people to join. Click on this button to come up on the leaderboard and participate in the Quiz!
At the End of the Quiz, you can see the leaderboard and brag about it amongst your friends!
- Added a new optional argument to control the time for which each question will be visible.
- Timestamps added to make it fancier.
- People who did not join the quiz in the beginning can now still be a part of the Quiz, and come up on the leaderboard
- Fastest Finger Type Quiz will now end only when someone answers correctly, or the time ends
Use it here: https://discord.gg/qfYzANBgGA ,
Or add it to your own server using this link: https://discord.com/api/oauth2/authorize?client_id=1070574579933777961&permissions=2147599424&scope=bot%20applications.commands
You can find the Open Sourced Code for this project here: https://github.com/Paulie-Aditya/quiz_bot , In case of any bugs, improvements or suggestions, feel free to send an Email at paul.aditya304@gmail.com.
People are encouraged to use my code in their projects, only if I am credited for the same.
Credits: This Bot has been Developed using nextcord (https://docs.nextcord.dev/en/stable/ ), an API wrapper for Discord, forked from discord.py. API used for fetching the questions: https://opentdb.com/