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[CodeStyle][Typos][O-W] ✏️ Typos 工具引入计划 #69442

MrXnneHang opened this issue Nov 17, 2024 · 9 comments

[CodeStyle][Typos][O-W] ✏️ Typos 工具引入计划 #69442

MrXnneHang opened this issue Nov 17, 2024 · 9 comments
status/close 已关闭 type/feature-request 新需求申请


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MrXnneHang commented Nov 17, 2024




这里是姊妹篇。Part1 参见A-N ✏️ Typo 引入计划

此次任务为 ✏️ Typo 清理计划 的后续。

自引入 Typos ,之后我们的 commit 都会伴随对拼写的自动检查。但是,同时也发现先前所遗留的大量拼写问题,为了防止阻塞日常开发,它们目前被记录在_typo.toml中作为定制词库,我们会在本 Issue 中逐步对遗留的拼写问题进行修复。


安装 typos

1.通过 pre-commit 安装:

我们的 pre-commit 中已经配置好了 typos ,你可以直接使用 pre-commit。

pip install pre-commit
pre-commit clean
pre-commit install
pre-commit run typos --all-file # 使用 typos hook 检查所有文件

2.通过 pip 安装:

pip install typos
typos --format brief --exclude build # 检查除了Build文件夹下的所有文件,日志级别brief
typos --format long --exclude build # 日志级别Long


文件是否修改需要同学先自己判断,如果不是很清楚。可以在 Issue 中提问。

  • 原则 1:涉及 API 的改动,不应该修改。
  • 原则 2:不要修改专有名词的缩写,如果发现,请考虑添加到_typo.toml的特殊单词列表中。



打开_typo.toml,注释掉(recieve = 'recieve'行),然后运行上面的 typos 检查。它会报告所有错误拼写出现的地方。

lastest = 'lastest'
# recieves = 'recieves'
cann = 'cann'
(test) xnne@xnne-PC:~/code/Paddle-Local$ typos --format long --exclude build
error: `recieves` should be `receives`
  --> ./paddle/common/
371 |  * It recieves a list of flags name, and will find the corresponding environment
    |       ^^^^^^^^
error: `recieves` should be `receives`
  --> ./paddle/common/flags.h:113:7
113 |  * It recieves commandline arguments passed in argc and argv from main function,
    |       ^^^^^^^^




  • 原则 1:涉及 API 的改动,不应该修改。
  • 原则 2:不要修改专有名词的缩写,如果发现,请考虑添加到_typo.toml的特殊单词列表中。


🎉 O-List

任务 ID 正确拼写 错误拼写(出现次数) 是否需要修正 认领人 PR
✅O-1 occurred occured(3)、Ocurred(6) @enkilee #70731
✅O-2 occurs occures(1) @enkilee #70731
✅O-3 of,for,do,go,to Fo(1)、fo(16) @SigureMo #70623
✅O-4 offsets,offers offets(1) @enkilee #70731
✅O-5 offsetted offseted(8) @enkilee #70731
✅O-6 old OLT(4) @SigureMo #70623
✅O-7 only olny(1) @guixxiic #69756
✅O-8 on pn(9) @SigureMo #70623
✅O-9 operands Operants(141)、operants(481) @SigureMo #71050
✅O-10 operations oeprations(3) @enkilee #70731
✅O-11 operation Opeartion(2)、operaion(4) @enkilee #70731
✅O-12 opportunity oppotunity(1) @enkilee #70731
✅O-13 optimized optimzed(2) @enkilee #70731
✅O-14 optimize optmize(1) @enkilee #70731
✅O-15 option optin(3)、Optin(16) @BaolanChen #70759
✅O-16 order oreder(1)、rder(2) @BaolanChen #70759
✅O-17 original orginal(4)、orignal(8) @BaolanChen #70759
✅O-18 ounces,once,ones onces(1) @BaolanChen #70759
✅O-19 outer outter(13) @BaolanChen #70759
✅O-20 output,outputs outpus(8) @BaolanChen #70759
✅O-21 outputting outputing(2) @guixxiic #69756
✅O-22 output outout(2)、ouput(24)、ouptut(26)、outpout(27)、Ouput(33) @enkilee #70993
✅O-23 outside ouside(1) @guixxiic #69756
✅O-24 overridden overriden(3) @BaolanChen #70759
✅O-25 override Overide(1)、overide(2) @BaolanChen #70759
✅O-26 overrode,overridden overrided(1) @BaolanChen #70759

🎉 P-List

任务 ID 正确拼写 错误拼写(出现次数) 是否需要修正 认领人 PR
✅P-1 package pacakage(12)、Packge(15) @enkilee #70733
✅P-2 pad,padded padd(2) @enkilee #70733
✅P-3 paid payed(1) @enkilee #70733
✅P-4 parallel parellel(1) @enkilee #70733
✅P-5 param,pram,parma parm(10)、Parm(13)、PARM(20) @enkilee #70733
✅P-6 parameters Paramters(3)、paramters(6) @enkilee #70733
✅P-7 parameter paremeter(1)、parmeter(3)、paramter(20)、Paramater(24)、paramete(26) @enkilee #70733
✅P-8 parent parrent(1) @enkilee #70733
✅P-9 parietal,partial parital(2) @enkilee #70733
✅P-10 partial Partitial(1)、partitial(5) @enkilee #70733
✅P-11 partition,portion partion(10) @enkilee #70915
✅P-12 partition patition(20) @enkilee #70915
✅P-13 pass Passs(1)、passs(2) @enkilee #70915
✅P-14 paths pathes(1) @enkilee #70938
✅P-15 pattern,patent Patten(4)、patten(14) @enkilee #70938
✅P-16 patterns,patents pattens(1) @enkilee #70938
✅P-17 percent,prescient precent(1) @enkilee #70938
✅P-18 performance performace(1) @enkilee #70938
✅P-19 performed perfomed(1) @enkilee #70938
✅P-20 perform perfome(1) @enkilee #70938
✅P-21 persistable presistable(14) @enkilee #70957
✅P-22 physical pyhsical(1) @enkilee #70957
✅P-23 pipeline pipline(7) @enkilee #70957
✅P-24 place,palace palce(6) @enkilee #70957
✅P-25 placement Placment(1) @enkilee #70957
✅P-26 please,place pleace(2) @enkilee #70957
✅P-27 pointer Poniter(8) @enkilee #70957
✅P-28 popped,pooped poped(4) @enkilee #70957
✅P-29 position,positron positon(1) @enkilee #70957
✅P-30 position POSTION(6) @enkilee #70957
✅P-31 positive postive(5) @enkilee #70957
✅P-32 possible possiable(1) @enkilee #70957
✅P-33 potentially potentialy(2) @enkilee #70957
✅P-34 preceding precending(1) @enkilee #70987
✅P-35 preparation Prepration(1) @enkilee #70987
✅P-36 prepare Prepar(1) @enkilee #70987
✅P-37 preprocessor preprocesser(10) @enkilee #70987
✅P-38 priorities priorites(1) @enkilee #70987
✅P-39 probabilistic probabalistic(4) @enkilee #70987
✅P-40 processor processer(10) @enkilee #70987
✅P-41 process proccess(3) @enkilee #70987
✅P-42 produced producted(6) @enkilee #70991
✅P-43 program progam(2) @enkilee #70991
✅P-44 progress progrss(1) @enkilee #70991
✅P-45 propagated propogated(1) @enkilee #70991
✅P-46 propagation Propogation(6) @enkilee #70991
✅P-47 protocol protocal(1)、PROTOCAL(3) @enkilee #70991
✅P-48 python pthon(12)、pyrhon(13) @enkilee #70991

🎉 Q-List

任务 ID 正确拼写 错误拼写(出现次数) 是否需要修正 认领人 PR
✅Q-1 quick qucik(1) @enkilee #70674
✅Q-2 quit quitted(1) @enkilee #70674

🎉 R-List

任务 ID 正确拼写 错误拼写(出现次数) 是否需要修正 认领人 PR
✅R-1 ran,run,ruined runned(1) @enkilee #70674
✅R-2 read,readd,readded readed(1) @enkilee #70674
✅R-3 received recived(8)、recevied(9)、recieved(33)、reveived(37) @enkilee #70674
✅R-4 receives recieves(2) @enkilee #70674
✅R-5 receive recive(1) @enkilee #70674
✅R-6 receiving receving(1) @enkilee #70674
✅R-7 recommend recommand(1) @enkilee #70674
✅R-8 recompile,recomply recomplie(3) @enkilee #70674
✅R-9 recorded recored(2) @enkilee #70674
✅R-10 recursive,reclusive Recusive(3)、recusive(4) @enkilee #70674
✅R-11 recursively Recursivly(1)、recursivly(6) @enkilee #70674
✅R-12 redundant reduntant(2) @enkilee #70674
✅R-13 referred Refered(9)、refered(54) @enkilee #70764
✅R-14 registered registed(56) @enkilee #70764
✅R-15 register REGIST(3)、Regiter(4)、Regist(20)、Registe(32)、regist(38)、registe(40) @Liyulingyue #70999
✅R-16 related releated(1) @enkilee #70764
✅R-17 release realease(2)、relase(3) @enkilee #70764
✅R-18 remove reomve(1) @enkilee #70764
✅R-19 reorder Reoder(4) @enkilee #70764
✅R-20 repeatedly repeatly(3) @enkilee #70764
✅R-21 repeat repeate(3) @enkilee #70764
✅R-22 replace repalce(2) @enkilee #70764
✅R-23 representing,representation represention(11) @enkilee #70764
✅R-24 required requied(1)、Reqiured(4)、Requred(5) 🙋@ooooo-create
✅R-25 requirements requirments(1) 🙋@ooooo-create
✅R-26 resetting Reseting(1) 🙋@ooooo-create
✅R-27 reset reseted(3) 🙋@ooooo-create
✅R-28 resource resouce(1) 🙋@ooooo-create
✅R-29 restore retore(3) 🙋@ooooo-create
✅R-30 rewritten rewriten(1) 🙋@ooooo-create
✅R-31 rewrote,rewritten rewrited(4) 🙋@ooooo-create
✅R-32 running,ruining runing(16)、Runing(20) @enkilee #70916

🎉 S-List

任务 ID 正确拼写 错误拼写(出现次数) 是否需要修正 认领人 PR
✅S-1 same SMAE(24) @enkilee #70772
✅S-2 satisfies satifies(1) @enkilee #70772
✅S-3 scalar sclar(1) @enkilee #70772
✅S-4 scale sacle(6) @enkilee #70772
✅S-5 scheduler sheduler(1)、schduler(2) @enkilee #70772
✅S-6 schedule scheule(1)、shedule(5) @enkilee #70772
✅S-7 search serach(10) @enkilee #70772
✅S-8 second seconde(1) @enkilee #70772
✅S-9 selected Seleceted(1) @enkilee #70772
✅S-10 sense,since sence(1) @enkilee #70772
✅S-11 separately seperately(1) @enkilee #70772
✅S-12 separate sepearate(2)、seperate(4) @enkilee #70772
✅S-13 separating seperating(1) @enkilee #70772
✅S-14 separator seperator(1) @enkilee #70772
✅S-15 sequence sequnce(51)、seqence(59)、sequnece(62)、sequece(63) @enkilee #70891
✅S-16 sequential sequentail(1) @enkilee #70772
✅S-17 serialize serailize(3) @enkilee #70772
✅S-18 setting settting(3) @enkilee #70772
✅S-19 set setted(16)、ser(38) @enkilee #71077
✅S-20 she seh(1)、SEH(3) @SigureMo #70623
✅S-21 should shoud(2)、shoule(34) @enkilee #70936
✅S-22 signal,single Singal(1) @enkilee #70936
✅S-23 similar simular(1)、Similiar(2) @enkilee #70936
✅S-24 simple,smile,simile Simle(2) @enkilee #70936
✅S-25 single,signal signle(1) @enkilee #70936
✅S-26 skipped,skyped Skiped(5)、skiped(8) @enkilee #70988
✅S-27 small,smell smll(9) @enkilee #70988
✅S-28 small samll(1) @enkilee #70988
✅S-29 some somme(1) @enkilee #70988
✅S-30 spatial Patial(22)、patial(23) @enkilee #70988
✅S-31 specified specificed(1) @enkilee #70988
✅S-32 split,splits,splice splite(6) @enkilee #70988
✅S-33 splitter spliter(2) @enkilee #70988
✅S-34 splitting Spliting(1)、spliting(9) @MrXnneHang
✅S-35 split Splited(18)、splitted(164)、splited(399) @MrXnneHang
✅S-36 square sqaure(2) @Liyulingyue #71002
✅S-37 squeeze,sequence sequeze(1) @Liyulingyue #71002
✅S-38 startup starup(2) @Liyulingyue #71002
✅S-39 statement statment(2) @Liyulingyue #71002
✅S-40 statically staticly(1)、staticaly(4) @Liyulingyue #71002
✅S-41 statuses,state,static Stati(1) @Liyulingyue #71002
✅S-42 stopped stoped(25)、STOPED(43)、Stoped(45) @Liyulingyue #71004
✅S-43 storage storeage(4) @Liyulingyue #71001
✅S-44 storing,sorting sotring(1) @Liyulingyue #71001
✅S-45 strategy stragety(3) @Liyulingyue #71001
✅S-46 stream strem(1) @Liyulingyue #71001
✅S-47 structured structed(2) @Liyulingyue #71001
✅S-48 structure sturcture(1) @Liyulingyue #71001
✅S-49 substituted subsituted(1) @Liyulingyue #71001
✅S-50 substitute substitue(1)、substitude(2)、Substitude(12)、subsitute(14)、Subsitute(15) @Liyulingyue #71006
✅S-51 subtract substract(4)、Substract(5) @Liyulingyue #71000
✅S-52 succeeded,success,successful successed(5) @Liyulingyue #71000
✅S-53 successfully sucessfully(1) @Liyulingyue #71000
✅S-54 success Succeess(1) @Liyulingyue #71000
✅S-55 sugar Suger(1) @Liyulingyue #71000
✅S-56 supported supportted(7) @Liyulingyue #71000
✅S-57 support suppport(1)、supoort(2)、Supprot(3)、suport(4) @Liyulingyue #71000
✅S-58 switch SWTICH(2)、Swith(3) @Liyulingyue #71000
✅S-59 system sysyem(2) @Liyulingyue #71000

🎉 T-List

任务 ID 正确拼写 错误拼写(出现次数) 是否需要修正 认领人 PR
✅T-1 target Taget(6)、targt(10) @fangfangssj #70722
✅T-2 template templat(2) @fangfangssj #70722
✅T-3 temporarily Temperarily(1)、temporaily(2)、temporily(3) @fangfangssj #70722
✅T-4 temporary,temporarily,temporally temporaly(1) @fangfangssj #70722
✅T-5 temporary Temperary(1) @fangfangssj #70722
✅T-6 tensor tenosr(12) @enkilee #70781
✅T-7 term,item,intern iterm(2) @enkilee #70781
✅T-8 terminate termiante(1) @enkilee #70781
✅T-9 thanks Thansk(1) @enkilee #70781
✅T-10 the,this ths(5)、thi(26) @SigureMo #70623
✅T-11 theoretical Theoritical(8) @enkilee #70781
✅T-12 there,their,the,other ther(5) @enkilee #70781
✅T-13 the thr(147)、tne(196)、thge(197)、Teh(198) @enkilee #70781
✅T-14 those thouse(4) @enkilee #70781
✅T-15 threads thrads(1)、theads(11) @enkilee #70781
✅T-16 three,there,their,the thre(5) @enkilee #70781
✅T-17 threshold THREAHOLD(2) @enkilee #70781
✅T-18 throw THORW(1) @enkilee #70781
✅T-19 timeout timout(1)、tiemout(5) @enkilee #70781
✅T-20 todo TDOD(1)、TOOD(3)、tood(7) @enkilee #70781
✅T-21 together toghether(7) @enkilee #70781
✅T-22 to Rto(2) @SigureMo #70623
✅T-23 training trainning(3)、Traning(5) @enkilee #70893
✅T-24 transfer,transformed,transformer,transform transforme(1) @enkilee #70893
✅T-25 transferred transfered(17) @enkilee #70893
✅T-26 transferring transfering(4) @enkilee #70921
✅T-27 transfers tranfers(1) @enkilee #70921
✅T-28 transfer tranfer(1)、Tranfer(2) @enkilee #70921
✅T-29 transform transfrom(3)、tranform(5) @enkilee #70921
✅T-30 transpose Tranpose(7)、tranpose(14) @enkilee #70921
✅T-31 trigger tigger(1) @enkilee #70945
✅T-32 trimmed trimed(33) @enkilee #70945
✅T-33 trivial trival(2) @enkilee #70945
✅T-34 true,try Trye(2) @enkilee #70945
✅T-35 trying,string,ring tring(6)、Tring(7) @enkilee #70968
✅T-36 tuning,running tunning(1) @enkilee #70968
✅T-37 tuple TYPLE(3) @enkilee #70968
✅T-38 turn trun(1) @enkilee #70968
✅T-39 type tpye(1)、tyep(4) @enkilee #70968

🎉 U-List

任务 ID 正确拼写 错误拼写(出现次数) 是否需要修正 认领人 PR
✅U-1 unchangeable unchangable(3) 🙋@yinfan98
✅U-2 undefined Undefind(2) 🙋@yinfan98
✅U-3 under,unset,unsure,user unser(1) 🙋@yinfan98
✅U-4 unexpected UNEXPECT(2) 🙋@yinfan98
✅U-5 uniform Unifrom(1) 🙋@yinfan98
✅U-6 uninitialized uninitialzed(1) 🙋@yinfan98
✅U-7 unique uniqe(2)、Uniqe(3)、unqiue(4) 🙋@yinfan98
✅U-8 unknown unkonwn(3)、unkown(5)、Unkown(12) 🙋@yinfan98
✅U-9 unsupported UNSUPPORT(11)、unsupport(78)、upsupported(81)、Unsupport(146) @enkilee #71023
✅U-10 unzipped unziped(5) @enkilee #70959
✅U-11 updated udpated(1) @enkilee #70959
✅U-12 upgrade upgarde(1) @enkilee #70959
✅U-13 upstream uptream(1) @enkilee #70959
✅U-14 use,yes ues(3) @SigureMo #70623
✅U-15 used,unused,unset unsed(5) @enkilee #70959
✅U-16 used uesd(3) @enkilee #70959
✅U-17 useful usefull(12) @enkilee #70959
✅U-18 useless usless(1) @enkilee #70959

🎉 V-List

任务 ID 正确拼写 错误拼写(出现次数) 是否需要修正 认领人 PR
✅V-1 vacuum vaccum(5) @enkilee #70680
✅V-2 valid,value valud(3) @enkilee #70680
✅V-3 validate validat(11) @enkilee #70680
✅V-4 valid VAILD(2) @enkilee #70680
✅V-5 values,talus,value valus(1) @enkilee #70680
✅V-6 values,value valuse(4) @enkilee #70680
✅V-7 variable Varible(2)、varaible(3) @enkilee #70680
✅V-8 vector vecotr(14) @enkilee #70680
✅V-9 version vesion(2)、verson(3) @enkilee #70680
✅V-10 vertical Vetical(7) @enkilee #70680
✅V-11 vulnerability vunerability(1) @enkilee #70680

🎉 W-List

任务 ID 正确拼写 错误拼写(出现次数) 是否需要修正 认领人 PR
✅W-1 warn varn(7) @enkilee #70680
✅W-2 warped,wrapped warpped(3) @enkilee #70783
✅W-3 warper,wrapper warpper(33)、Warpper(36) @enkilee #70783
✅W-4 was vas(2) @SigureMo #70623
✅W-5 weather,whether wether(5)、wheather(6)、Wether(12) @enkilee #70783
✅W-6 weights wieghts(1) @enkilee #70783
✅W-7 weird werid(2) @enkilee #70783
✅W-8 when,we whe(1) @SigureMo #70623
✅W-9 whether whther(1)、Wheter(2) @enkilee #70783
✅W-10 while,will whill(1) @enkilee #70783
✅W-11 whose whos(2) @enkilee #70783
✅W-12 will,well wil(1) @SigureMo #70623
✅W-13 will wiil(2)、wll(4) @enkilee #70783
✅W-14 with wih(1)、Wih(2)、witk(3) @enkilee #70783
✅W-15 work,worked,works worke(2) @enkilee #70783
✅W-16 workaround workround(1) @enkilee #70783
✅W-17 workspace worksapce(2) @enkilee #70783
✅W-18 work wrk(1) @enkilee
✅W-19 wrapped wrappered(3) @enkilee #70783
✅W-20 wrapper wraper(4) @enkilee #70783
✅W-21 wrapping,warping wraping(5) @enkilee #70783
✅W-22 writer,written Writter(3) @enkilee #70783
✅W-23 wrote,written,write,writer writed(7) @enkilee #70783


⭐️ 提交 PR 模版 ⭐️:

  • // ------- PR 标题 --------
[CodeStyle][Typos][A-1] Fix typo(`recieves`)


[CodeStyle][Typos][A-1,A-2,A-3] Fix typo(`recieves`...)
[CodeStyle][Typos][A-[1-3]] Fix typo(`recieves`...)

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如果单个单词超过 10 个文件的除外。

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修复如 typo 问题:

- recieves
- ...

- ...

- recieves
- 涉及API改动

### Related links

- #本 issue 的序号


✅:已经完全迁移,所有单测都 OK!
🙋: 报名

🔵 -> 🙋 -> 🚧 -> 🟢 -> ✅

🔵 -> 🙋 -> 🚧 -> 🟡

📊 任务数量 🔵 可认领 🚧 迁移中 🟢 待合入 ✅ 完成 🟡 下阶段推进 🏁 完成率
258 0 0 0 258 0 100.0%

排名不分先后 @enkilee(203) @SigureMo(12) @guixxiic(3) @BaolanChen(9) @Liyulingyue(25) @MrXnneHang(2) @fangfangssj(5)

@SigureMo SigureMo assigned luotao1, SigureMo and MrXnneHang and unassigned pkuzyc Nov 17, 2024
@SigureMo SigureMo changed the title [CodeStyle][Typos][O-W] ✏️ Typo 引入计划 [CodeStyle][Typos][O-W] ✏️ Typos 工具引入计划 Nov 17, 2024
@luotao1 luotao1 moved this to In Progress in Call for Contributions Nov 18, 2024
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yinfan98 commented Jan 8, 2025


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BaolanChen commented Jan 10, 2025


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typos 已在 #70886 升级到 1.29.4,修 typo 的同学注意升级下 typos 版本~

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Liyulingyue commented Jan 30, 2025


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本 issue 所列的 O-W 相关 typo 已经基本修复,本期 typo 修复任务已经全部完成,感谢各位参与的同学,大家元宵节快乐 🎉~


排名不分先后 @enkilee(203) @SigureMo(12) @guixxiic(3) @BaolanChen(9) @Liyulingyue(25) @MrXnneHang(2) @fangfangssj(5)


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9 participants