Released under GNU 3.0 by @EZLJ.
Includes a Cyberpunk style game selector, games are specially designed and modified for better performence on modern computer.
Frequently updated with new games and features.
A Live Demo is deployed on Github Page
Most important, build with passion and ❤️.
Games Included:
Dino (T-rex-runner) from @wayou
Dino3D from @Priler
Surf from @jackbuehner
Operius from @leodenglovescode
And massive games from the GameZone Project, include JS13K Winning Game Dante by Salvatore Previti, Armor Alley by scottschiller, and more!
Since this project is static, you can self-host it by yourself, just like other html pages, or do it by Github Pages.
You are welcomed to submit a pull request to add your games here.
Feel free to open an issue if there is something wrong.