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This repository utilizes OpenGL and custom shaders to render synthetic data given a 3D model of an object (with or without texture). The generated data can be utilized for training 6D object pose estimation algorithms or for 2D segmentation tasks.

Important features:

  • BOP format compatibility
  • Supports PLY models (ASCII and binary) with associated texture or RGB vertex colors (both optional).
  • Photorealistic rendering with lighting manipulation
  • Depth rendering with a controllable depth scale.
  • Tested on Ubuntu 20.04, 22.04 and Windows 11


git clone
conda create -n dlpose python=3.10
conda activate dlpose
cd 6DL-PoseGenerator
pip install -r requirements.txt


  1. Modify the config.yaml according to your requirements (See Parameters section).
  2. Run python --io.config config.yaml .

You can find a full list of available parameters also from the CLI by typing python --help.

We also provide a script to visualize object poses. The poses have to be in BOP format. To visualize poses, run the following command:

python \
--poses ./savePath/scene_gt.json \
--images ./savePath/texture/rgb \
--camera-params ./savePath/scene_camera.json \
--model-path ./demo/models/duck.ply \
--outPath ./vis
--opacity 0.7 # the opacity of the overlayed pose

You can view the availabe CLI arguments by running python --help.


Modify the config.yaml file according to your requirements, including also the 3D model path and output path. Key parameters you can modify include:

  • General Rendering parameters:

    • FBO_WIDTH, FBO_HEIGHT: Resolution of rendered images.
    • phis, thetas, distances: Ranges (min, max) and steps for angles (phi, theta) and distances, represented as triplets {min value, max value, step}. Angles are expressed in degrees, and distances in the same units as your model.
    • background_color: The background color.
  • Shader Associated parameters:

    • render_modes: Modes to render, e.g., 'triangles' (geometry without texture but with lighting), 'texture' (textured model with lighting), and 'depth' (depth image rendering).
    • texture_file: Path to texture file.

    Note: To use RGB vertex colors instead of a texture, set texture_file = Null. Otherwise, provide the path to the texture image.

  • Lighting settings:

    • light_position: Position of the light. By default, it is set to Null, meaning the light coincides with the current camera position.
    • {triangles,texture}_{ambient,specular}_strength: Control Phong shading parameters.
    • triangles_object_color: Color of the mesh only when rendering in triangles mode.
  • Pose associated parameters:

    • {rotation,translation}_perturbation: Introduces random rotations/translations for diverse pose distributions.
    • {rotation,translation}_{x,y,z}range: Magnitudes of random rotations/translations (angles in degrees and distances in the same units as the object model).
    • depth_scale: Depth is saved as a 16-Bit Gray scale image. Thus the pixel values range from 0-65535. A depth_scale = 1 ensures a 1:1 correspondence with the model's units. For small models, increasing the depth scale is recommended.
  • I/Ο associated parameters:

    • model_path: Path to the 3D model
    • object_id: Object ID used for writing the scene_gt.json file (See BOP format)
    • savePath: Path to save renderings.

Expected results

The savePath directory (set in config.yaml) should have the following structure after rendering:

├── depth
├── geom
├── texture
├── scene_gt.json
└── scene_camera.json
  • depth: Contains the depth images.
  • geom/rgb/: Images rendered in triangles mode (See Parameters section).
  • texture/rgb/: Images renderd in texture mode (See Parameters section).
  • scene_gt.json: Poses in BOP format.
  • scene_camera.json: Camera intrinsics in BOP format.

Demo example 1

For ./demo/duck.ply the rendered results are shown below. Note that these images were produced with rotation_perturbation = False and rotation_perturbation = False.

Texture + Lighting


Geometry + Lighting


Depth (Depth scale = 5000)


Demo example 2

With rotation_perturbation = True and translation_perturbation = True.



This repository extends the implementation used in our paper, Crane Spreader Pose Estimation from a Single View. Renderings from this pipeline were used to train a 6D pose estimation deep learning algorithm with synthetic data.

If you find this code useful, please cite it using the following BibTeX entry.

    title={Crane Spreader Pose Estimation from a Single View}, 
    journal={Proceedings of the 18th International Joint Conference on Computer Vision, Imaging and Computer Graphics Theory and Applications}, 
    publisher={SCITEPRESS - Science and Technology Publications}, 
    author={Pateraki, Maria and Sapoutzoglou, Panagiotis and Lourakis, Manolis}, 