This program processes a PostgreSQL DDL file with CREATE INDEX
commands and renames the
column names referenced by the Postgres DDL statements to use new names defined in a
mapping file (or files).
This program is derived from the PgSQL View Creator Helper program, available at
PgSqlTableCreatorHelper is a console application, and must be run from the Windows command prompt.
[/ParamFile:ParamFileName.conf] [/CreateParamFile]
The input file should be a SQL text file with CREATE INDEX
- The program is primarily designed to update the
file created by Perl
( - Example input file statements:
CREATE INDEX "ix_t_analysis_job_aj_last_affected" ON "public"."t_analysis_job" ("last_affected" ASC);
CREATE INDEX "ix_t_analysis_job_aj_state_id_aj_job_id" ON "public"."t_analysis_job" ("job_state_id" ASC,"job" ASC);
CREATE INDEX "ix_t_analysis_job_aj_state_name_cached" ON "public"."t_analysis_job" ("state_name_cached" ASC);
CREATE INDEX "ix_t_analysis_job_aj_dataset_id" ON "public"."t_analysis_job" ("dataset_id" ASC);
CREATE INDEX "ix_t_analysis_job_batch_id_include_job_id" ON "public"."t_analysis_job" ("batch_id" ASC) INCLUDE ("job");
CREATE INDEX "ix_t_analysis_job_created_include_job_state_id_progress" ON "public"."t_analysis_job" ("created" ASC) INCLUDE ("job","aj_state_id","progress");
CREATE INDEX "ix_t_analysis_job_request_id" ON "public"."t_analysis_job" ("request_id" ASC);
CREATE INDEX "ix_t_analysis_job_started_include_job_state_id_progress" ON "public"."t_analysis_job" ("start" ASC) INCLUDE ("job","aj_state_id","progress");
CREATE INDEX "ix_t_analysis_job_state_id_include_job_priority_tool_dataset" ON "public"."t_analysis_job" ("job_state_id" ASC) INCLUDE ("priority","aj_job_id","aj_dataset_id","aj_analysis_tool_id");
CREATE UNIQUE INDEX "ix_t_users_u_name" ON "public"."t_users" ("username" ASC);
CREATE INDEX "ix_t_biomaterial_ccname_container_id_ccid" ON "public"."t_biomaterial" ("biomaterial_name" ASC,"container_id" ASC,"biomaterial_id" ASC);
CREATE INDEX "ix_t_biomaterial_cc_campaign_id" ON "public"."t_biomaterial" ("campaign_id" ASC);
CREATE INDEX "ix_t_biomaterial_cc_created" ON "public"."t_biomaterial" ("created" ASC);
CREATE UNIQUE INDEX "ix_t_biomaterial_cc_name" ON "public"."t_biomaterial" ("biomaterial_name" ASC);
- Example output file statements:
CREATE INDEX "ix_t_analysis_job_last_affected" ON "public"."t_analysis_job" ("last_affected" ASC);
CREATE INDEX "ix_t_analysis_job_job_state_id_job" ON "public"."t_analysis_job" ("job_state_id" ASC,"job" ASC);
CREATE INDEX "ix_t_analysis_job_state_name_cached" ON "public"."t_analysis_job" ("state_name_cached" ASC);
CREATE INDEX "ix_t_analysis_job_dataset_id" ON "public"."t_analysis_job" ("dataset_id" ASC);
CREATE INDEX "ix_t_analysis_job_batch_id_include_job_id" ON "public"."t_analysis_job" ("batch_id" ASC) INCLUDE ("job");
CREATE INDEX "ix_t_analysis_job_created_include_job_state_id_progress" ON "public"."t_analysis_job" ("created" ASC) INCLUDE ("job","job_state_id","progress");
CREATE INDEX "ix_t_analysis_job_request_id" ON "public"."t_analysis_job" ("request_id" ASC);
CREATE INDEX "ix_t_analysis_job_started_include_job_state_id_progress" ON "public"."t_analysis_job" ("start" ASC) INCLUDE ("job","job_state_id","progress");
CREATE INDEX "ix_t_analysis_job_state_id_include_job_priority_tool_dataset" ON "public"."t_analysis_job" ("job_state_id" ASC) INCLUDE ("priority","job","dataset_id","analysis_tool_id");
CREATE UNIQUE INDEX "ix_t_users_username" ON "public"."t_users" ("username" ASC);
CREATE INDEX "ix_t_biomaterial_ccname_container_id_ccid" ON "public"."t_biomaterial" ("biomaterial_name" ASC,"container_id" ASC,"biomaterial_id" ASC);
CREATE INDEX "ix_t_biomaterial_campaign_id" ON "public"."t_biomaterial" ("campaign_id" ASC);
CREATE INDEX "ix_t_biomaterial_created" ON "public"."t_biomaterial" ("created" ASC);
CREATE UNIQUE INDEX "ix_t_biomaterial_biomaterial_name" ON "public"."t_biomaterial" ("biomaterial_name" ASC);
The /Map
file is is a tab-delimited text file with five columns
- The Map file matches the format of the NameMap file created by Perl script
- Example data:
SourceTable | SourceName | Schema | NewTable | NewName |
T_Log_Entries | Entry_ID | mc | "t_log_entries" | "entry_id" |
T_Log_Entries | posted_by | mc | "t_log_entries" | "posted_by" |
T_Log_Entries | posting_time | mc | "t_log_entries" | "posting_time" |
T_Log_Entries | type | mc | "t_log_entries" | "type" |
T_Log_Entries | message | mc | "t_log_entries" | "message" |
T_Log_Entries | Entered_By | mc | "t_log_entries" | "entered_by" |
T_Mgrs | m_id | mc | "t_mgrs" | "mgr_id" |
T_Mgrs | m_name | mc | "t_mgrs" | "mgr_name" |
T_Mgrs | mgr_type_id | mc | "t_mgrs" | "mgr_type_id" |
T_Mgrs | param_value_changed | mc | "t_mgrs" | "param_value_changed" |
T_Mgrs | control_from_website | mc | "t_mgrs" | "control_from_website" |
T_Mgrs | comment | mc | "t_mgrs" | "comment" |
Use /Map2
to optionally specify a secondary map file, which is a tab-delimited text file with three columns
- The Secondary Map file matches the file defined for the
parameter when using the DB Schema Export Tool ( to pre-process an existing DDL file - Example data:
SourceTableName | SourceColumnName | TargetColumnName |
T_MgrTypes | mt_typeid | mgr_type_id |
T_MgrTypes | mt_typename | mgr_type_name |
T_MgrTypes | mt_active | mgr_type_active |
T_MgrType_ParamType_Map | MgrTypeID | mgr_type_id |
T_MgrType_ParamType_Map | ParamTypeID | param_type_id |
T_Mgrs | M_ID | mgr_id |
T_Mgrs | M_Name | mgr_name |
T_Mgrs | M_TypeID | mgr_type_id |
T_Mgrs | M_ParmValueChanged | param_value_changed |
T_Mgrs | M_ControlFromWebsite | control_from_website |
T_Mgrs | M_Comment | comment |
Use /TableNameMap
(or /TableNames
) to optionally specify a tab-delimited text file listing old and new names for renamed tables
- The Table Name Map file matches the file defined for the
parameter when using the DB Schema Export Tool ( to pre-process an existing DDL file- The text file must include columns
- The text file must include columns
- Example data (showing additional columns that are used by the DB Schema Export Tool, but are ignored by this program)
SourceTableName | TargetSchemaName | TargetTableName | PgInsert | KeyColumn(s) |
T_Analysis_State_Name | public | t_analysis_job_state | true | job_state_id |
T_DatasetRatingName | public | t_dataset_rating_name | true | dataset_rating_id |
T_Log_Entries | public | t_log_entries | false | |
T_Job_Events | cap | t_job_Events | false | |
T_Job_State_Name | cap | t_job_state_name | true | job |
T_Users | public | t_users | true | user_id |
Use /Schema
to specify a default schema name to add before all table names (that don't already have a schema name prefix)
Use /V
to enable verbose mode, displaying the old and new version of each updated line
The processing options can be specified in a parameter file using /ParamFile:Options.conf
or /Conf:Options.conf
- Define options using the format
- Lines starting with
will be treated as comments - Additional arguments on the command line can supplement or override the arguments in the parameter file
Use /CreateParamFile
to create an example parameter file
- By default, the example parameter file content is shown at the console
- To create a file named Options.conf, use
Written by Matthew Monroe for the Department of Energy (PNNL, Richland, WA)
E-mail: or
Website: or
Source code:
Licensed under the 2-Clause BSD License; you may not use this program except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
Copyright 2022 Battelle Memorial Institute