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Merges multiple .mzid files created by MS-GF+ into a single mzid file.

This is primarily designed for "split-fasta" MS-GF+ searches, where a large protein database was split into multiple .fasta files, and then each one used to search a single spectra file.


MzidMerger reads in the mzids from MS-GF+ and creates a new mzid file using the contents of the input mzid files

MzidMerger uses PSI_Interface.dll for reading and writing the mzids.


MzidMerger -inDir "directory path" [-filter "filename filter"] [-out "output file path"] [-maxSpecEValue number] [-keepOnlyBestResults] [-fixIds]

Required parameters:

-inDir path

  • Path to directory containing mzid files to be merged. If the path has spaces, it must be in quotes.

Optional parameters:


  • Filename filter; filenames that match this string will be merged. *.mzid and .mzid.gz are appended if neither ends the filter string. Use '' for wildcard matches. (Default: All files ending in .mzid or .mzid.gz).


  • Filepath/filename of output file; if no path, input directory is used; by default will determine and use the common portion of the input file names.


  • Maximum SpecEValue to include in the merged file. Default value includes all results.


  • If specified, only the best-scoring results for each spectrum are kept.


  • Fix the peptide and peptideEvidence IDs. Only use for e.g. older MS-GF+ results, that output many errors about duplicate IDs. Only fixes Peptide and PeptideEvidence IDs.


Written by Bryson Gibbons and Matthew Monroe for the Department of Energy (PNNL, Richland, WA)
Website: or


The MzidMerger is licensed under the 2-Clause BSD License; you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at

Copyright 2018 Battelle Memorial Institute