The Data Package Archive Manager is a part of PRISM, the Proteomics Research Information and Management System. The software scans data package folders and files, pushing new or changed files into MyEMSL.
This program uploads new/changed data package files to MyEMSL
[/IDs:Start-End] [/Date] [/Preview] [/VerifyOnly]
[/DB] [/SkipCheckExisting] [/DisableVerify] [/Trace] [/Debug]
Use /IDs
to define the data package ID list to process
- Can be a single data package ID, a comma-separated list of IDs, or * to process all Data Packages
- Items in ID list can be ID ranges, for example
or even892-
Use /Date
or /D
to define a date threshold for finding modified data packages
- If a data package does not have any files modified on/after this date, the data package will not be uploaded to MyEMSL
Use /Preview
to preview any files that would be uploaded
Use /VerifyOnly
or /V
to verify recently uploaded data packages and skip looking for new/changed files
Use /DB
to override the default connection string
- Defaults to:;Port=5432;Database=dms;UserId=svc-dms
Use /SkipCheckExisting
to skip the check for data package files that are known to exist in MyEMSL and should be visible by a metadata query
- If this switch is used, you risk pushing duplicate data files into MyEMSL
Use /DisableVerify
to skip verifying the upload status of data previously uploaded to MyEMSL but not yet verified
Use /Trace
to show additional log messages
Use /Debug
to enable the display (and logging) of debug messages; auto-enables /Trace
Written by Matthew Monroe for the Department of Energy (PNNL, Richland, WA)
Website: or
The Data Package Archive Manager is licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0; you may not use this program except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at