- Install VSCode: https://code.visualstudio.com/download
- Install git: https://git-scm.com/downloads
- Install the WPILIB pluggin in vscode (a red and black "W" button should show up that the top-right corner, might have to restart)
- Click the W button and type "Create New Project"
- For project type, select: template -> java -> Timed Skeleton (Advanced)
- Set your file path to whatever you want and name the project "TShirt-Cannon"
- Set team number to 2976
- Click generate project and let your project build
- Then hit the "W" button again and type "Manage Vendor Libraries"
Select install new library (online) and then paste these links individually:
- http://devsite.ctr-electronics.com/maven/release/com/ctre/phoenix/Phoenix-latest.json
- https://www.revrobotics.com/content/sw/max/sdk/REVRobotics.json
- https://www.kauailabs.com/dist/frc/2021/navx_frc.json
- http://revrobotics.com/content/sw/color-sensor-v3/sdk/REVColorSensorV3.json
Visit https://docs.wpilib.org/en/stable/docs/software/vscode-overview/3rd-party-libraries.html#rd-party-libraries for additional vendor libraries
- Download zip, and extract the folder (let me know if you need to be added to our organization on github)
- Replace the src folder with the src folder from the downloaded template