PHP wrapper for PHP Guzzle library
The recommended way to install guzzle-model-client is through Composer
. Just create a composer.json
file and run the php composer.phar install
command to install it:
"repositories": [
"type": "vcs",
"url": ""
"require": {
"openSILEX/guzzle-model-client": "dev-master"
A valid public key needs to be created, if you already have a valid public key go to the next step WSJWT implementation class example
To understand key pair concept :
Create a private key (used by the server => web service):
openssl genpkey -algorithm RSA -out private_key.pem -pkeyopt rsa_keygen_bits:2048
Extract the public key from the private key (used by the client => webservice client):
openssl rsa -pubout -in private_key.pem -outform DER -out public_key.der
use openSILEX\guzzleClientPHP\classes\WSJWT;
// WSJWTTestAPI.php
// Author(s): Arnaud CHARLEROY
// SILEX version 1.0
// Copyright © - INRA - 2018
// Creation date: March 2018
// Contact:,,
// Last modification date: March, 2018
// Subject: An implementation of WSJWT for a web service
class WSJWTTestAPI extends WSJWT {
function __construct($payload, $private_key_path = null, $algorithm = null) {
parent::__construct($payload, $algorithm, $private_key_path);
if (!is_null($algorithm)) {
$this->algorithm = $algorithm;
} else {
$this->algorithm = ENCRYPTION_KEY_ALGORITHM; // example : 'RS256'
if (!is_null($private_key_path)) {
$this->private_key_path = $private_key_path;
} else {
$this->private_key_path = PRIVATE_KEY_PATH; // example : "{app_directory}/rsa_keys/Alfis-JWT-private-key.pem"
// WSTokenModel.php
// Author(s): Morgane VIDAL, Arnaud CHARLEROY
// PHIS-SILEX version 1.0
// Copyright © - INRA - 2018
// Creation date: February 2017
// Contact:,,
// Last modification date: March, 2018
// Subject: access to the web service to manage connection tokens
use openSILEX\guzzleClientPHP\WSModel;
class WSTokenModel extends WSModel {
* see Breeding API autorization constants
CONST GRANT_TYPE_PWD = "password";
* @action initiate webservice connection
public function __construct() {$
// WS_WS_URL_URL web service URL address
parent::__construct(WS_URL, "brapi/v1/token");
* Retreive user session toke
* @param string $username username
* @param string $password user password
* @param string $client_id optional text
* @return string|null token string if parameters are valid and null if not
public function getToken($username, $password = null, $client_id = null, $grant_type = "password" ) {
$bodyRequest["grant_type"] = $grant_type;
$bodyRequest["username"] = $username;
// password is null if jwt is used => jwt
// this means that the user is already logged in the web application and password is already checked
if (!is_null($password)) {
$bodyRequest["password"] = $password;
// if client_id store jwt string
if ($client_id !== null && $client_id !== "") {
if($client_id instanceof \openSILEX\guzzleClientPHP\classes\WSJWT){
$bodyRequest["client_id"] = $client_id->build();
$bodyRequest["client_id"] = $client_id;
$bodyToSend = $bodyRequest;
$requestRes = $this->post("", "", $bodyToSend);
if (isset($requestRes->{'access_token'})) {
return $requestRes->{'access_token'};
} else {
return null;
// need both implementations of previous classes
require_once 'WSTokenModel.php';
require_once 'WSJWTTestAPI.php';
// user is already logged in the web app for jwt example (note : it's possible to use password authentication type)
// first call to webservice
// user identifier
$userId = '';
// create JWT dates
$date = new DateTime();
// creation date
$issued_at = $date->getTimestamp();
$date->modify('+20 minutes');
// expiration date
$expiration_time = $date->getTimestamp();
// create payload
$payload = array(
"iss" => "testApp", // must be autorized and manage in Webservice authentication service
"sub" => userId,
"iat" => $issued_at,
"exp" => $expiration_time
// create jwt
$jwt = new WSJWTTestAPI($payload);
// create a ws client for token service
$ws = new WSTokenModel();
// var_dump($jwt->build());
// send jwt et get web service token
$wsToken = $ws->getToken($userId, null, $jwt, WSTokenModel::GRANT_TYPE_JWT);