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The Projects repository for Open Innovation Network

Available at:

Key Resources

Project Template

If you are creating or consolidating your project, you might want to look at the project template created by MIT Media Lab's Dazza Greenwood:

To use this template you can:

  • Request authorization to the Google Drive folder
  • Make a copy of the template in the same Google Drive folder
  • Fill out the template

Documentation files

//TODO: Add support to readthedocs

Instructions for this repository

Fork the repo

Fork this repository in your github account.

Take a look at the URL generated and identify your repository's user and name.In this documentation, we will refer to them as REPO_USER and REPO_NAME, respectively.

For example:

REPO_USER = OpenInnovationNetwork

REPO_NAME = Projects

Set up your Project Gallery

1. Access your current Gallery

The gallery is the index.html file in this repository.

Access the correspondent URL in your browser:

It is pulling data from the original repository, so it should look exactly like

2. Modify your gallery to display your project's name

  • Open your copy of the file index.html
  • In line 25, replace YOUR_PROJECT_NAME with the name you want to appear in the top of the page. For example: "The Block App"
  • Commit and push the changes to your repository
  • Access your repo through its URL and check if your project's name is there.

3. Modify your gallery to pull data from your repository

Currently, the projects that appear in your page are in the original repository.

  • Open your copy of the file js/projects_retrieval.js
  • In line 12, modify the content of the variable repository_user to contain your repository's user (YOUR_REPO_USER) inside quotation marks
  • In line 13, modify the content of the variable repository_name to contain your repository's user (YOUR_REPO_NAME) inside quotation marks
  • Commit and push the changes to your repository

Add your project to your repository

Generate a file and upload it to github manually

This is a simple process to add your project to a gallery.

It does not upload it directly to github, because that requires more complicated steps. If you want to do that, follow the next steps.

If you want to keep it simple, do this:

Upload it directly to github (requires credentials -- takes 5-10 minutes more)

Follow the next 2 steps if you want to upload your project directly to github.

This requires setting up your credentials, so you will need to download a file to your computer (if you haven't already cloned this project), modify it there, and open it in a browser. It takes 5-10 min more than the simple procedure.

Generate a github personal access token
  • Go to your Github settings > Personal Access Tokens
  • Generate a new token. Make sure you mark the "public_repo" option.
  • Copy YOUR_PERSONAL_ACCESS_TOKEN somewhere safe.

If you have doubts, there are instructions on Github's website:

Run the project registration form

The project registration should be done in your local computer.

Up to now you could have done everything directly from Github's interface, but for this step you strictly need to clone your repository in your computer.

  • Open your copy of the file project_registration.html
  • In line 136, modify the content of the variable access_token to contain YOUR_PERSONAL_ACCESS_TOKEN.
  • In line 137, modify the content of the variable repository_user to contain your repository's user (YOUR_REPO_USER) inside quotation marks
  • In line 138, modify the content of the variable repository_name to contain your repository's user (YOUR_REPO_NAME) inside quotation marks
  • These changes should stay in your local computer. Do not push this file to your remote repository.

Submit your project

  • Open your local copy of project_registration.html in the browser
  • Fill out the form and submit it to send your project's data directly to your remote repository.
    • It does that by creating a file inside the projects folder, containing your project's data formatted in JSON format.

Check your gallery

Request to add your project to the original Project Gallery at Open Innovation Network.

License terms



Projects of, for, on and/or available through the Open Innovation Network







No releases published


No packages published

Contributors 3
