Example Docker cofiguration files for secure dcm4chee-arc-light application with OpenAM and OpenIG
Add the following entries to the hosts file: ext.openam.org.ru
$ git clone https://github.com/OpenIdentityPlatform/dcm4chee-arc-openam.git
$ cd dcm4chee-arc-openam
$ docker-compose up
Docker compose will create services
- OpenAM - based authentication serviceopendj
- configuration and user data store on OpenDJopendj-arc
- data store for DCM4CHEE Archiveopenig
- gateway to protect access to DCM4CHEE Archive based on OpenIGdb
- PosgreSQL database for DCM4CHEE Archivearc
- DCM4CHEE Archive service
Open DCM4CHEE Archive application in a browser: http://ext.openam.org.ru:8080/dcm4chee-arc/ui2
Username: ivan, password: 11111111
To access OpenAM admin console open the following url in a browser: http://ext.openam.org.ru:8080/openam/UI/Login
Username: amadmin, password ampassword