MSS 9.1.0
The 9.1.x release includes multiple fixes and stability improvements.
Special thanks to all who have helped with providing feedback for 9.0.x
We enabled linting with codespell. By this a lot typos in all parts of MSS were solved.
- skyfield data has expired, #2406
- archive of the operation seems not to work, #2403
- logging debug messages on console should go into the msui.log only, #2393
Unhelpful error messages for missing data, #2396
fix rtfd url for a badge, #2423
improve Changes.txt, #2420
congrats and new badge from JuRSE, #2415
docu fix name, pathes, wsgi setup, #2386
- flake8 in develop gets sloppy, #2374
- Add linting with codespell, #2329
- Remove the pytest-timeout usage, #2292
New Contributors
Full Changelog: 9.0.0...9.1.0