This repository hosts a list of expansion URLs. From this list the expansion catalog is built regularly.
In case you created an OXP that you want to see amongst all the other managed addons, there are a few simple steps to do:
- Zip up your OXP as an OXZ. Basically it means to create a zip file and rename it.
- Upload that OXZ to the internet such that others can download it. At that moment you know the download URL.
- Add the download URL to the expansions catalog in this repository. If you cannot do that directly, ask for it by creating an issue in this repository. A catalog maintainer will take it from here.
The file expansionUrls.txt hosts the list of known expansions.
The rules are:
- Have one URL per line
- Lines starting with hash are considered comments and ignored
- Empty lines (zero length or just whitespace) are ignored
- it is recommended to sort the URLs to easily spot duplicates. Check the generator's pedantic mode.
Whenever changes are pushed into the repository, or regularly once a month or even on manual invocation the build process is triggered.
For that HiranChaudhuri/OoliteAddonScanner is invoked to read the expansionUrls.txt file, download the expansions, read their metadata and assemble that into a new expansions catalog.
You can trigger Github to process the repository without committing,
pushing or merging changes. For this just go to the Actions tab.
On the left side choose the Build
workflow. In the table showing
the workflow runs the first line allows you to run the workflow.
Click the dropdown button and you can choose the branch to be
processed and finally trigger it.
When processed successfully, expect results to show up here:
- The OoliteExpansionIndex, downloadable from the Releases page
- The OoliteExpansionIndex, directly browsable at
- The expansion manager's catalog published at This is where Oolite or OoliteStarter grab the information from.
- The catalog published at This is where the website takes data to render the latest expansion release table.
Once in a while it makes sense to check warnings that popped up during catalog generation. These are available in the logfiles but are also visible at