This repository contains a set of Terraform modules for deploying Ontotext GraphDB HA cluster on Microsoft Azure.
- About GraphDB
- Features
- Versioning
- Prerequisites
- Inputs
- Usage
- Examples
- Local Development
- Release History
- Contributing
- License
Ontotext GraphDB is a highly efficient, scalable and robust graph database with RDF and SPARQL support. With excellent enterprise features, integration with external search applications, compatibility with industry standards, and both community and commercial support, GraphDB is the preferred database choice of both small independent developers and big enterprises.
GraphDB is available on the Azure Marketplace in several listings depending on your needs.
The module provides the building blocks of configuring, deploying and provisioning a highly available cluster of GraphDB across multiple availability zones using a VM scale set. Key features of the module include:
- Azure VM scale set across multiple Availability Zones
- Azure Application Gateway for load balancing and TLS termination
- Azure Private Link with private Application Gateway
- Azure NAT gateway for outbound connections
- Automated backups in Azure Blob Storage
- Azure Private DNS for internal GraphDB cluster communication
- Azure Key Vault for storing sensitive configurations
- Optional Azure Bastion deployment
- User assigned identities for RBAC authorization with the least privilege principle
- and more
Modules | Purpose | Features |
Vault Module | Creates a Key Vault for storing TLS certificates and secrets | - Enables purge protection for Key Vault. - Sets soft delete retention days for Key Vault. |
Backup Module | Sets up a Storage Account for storing GraphDB backups. | - Configures storage account tier and replication type. - Defines retention policies for storage blobs and containers. |
AppConfig Module | Establishes an App Configuration store for managing GraphDB configurations. | - Enables purge protection for App Configuration. - Sets soft delete retention days for App Configuration. |
TLS Module | Manages TLS certificate secrets in Key Vault and their related identities. | - Creates TLS certificate secrets in Key Vault. - Configures identity related to the TLS certificate. |
Application Gateway Module | Sets up a public IP address and Application Gateway for forwarding internet traffic to GraphDB proxies/instances. | - Configures TLS certificate for the gateway. - Enables private access and private link service. - Defines global buffer settings. |
Bastion Module | Deploys an Azure Bastion host for secure remote connections. | - Configures the bastion host within the specified virtual network. |
Monitoring Module | Configures Azure monitoring for the deployed resources. | - Sets up Application Insights for the GraphDB scale set. - Sets up web test availability monitoring. - Defines retention policies for monitoring data. |
GraphDB Module | Deploys a VM scale set for GraphDB and its cluster proxies. | - Configures networking settings. - Sets up GraphDB configurations and licenses. - Defines backup storage, VM image, and managed disk settings. |
The Terraform module follows the Semantic Versioning 2.0.0 rules and has a release lifecycle separate from the GraphDB versions. The next table shows the version compatability between GraphDB and the Terraform module.
GraphDB Terraform | GraphDB |
Version 1.x.x | Version 10.6.x |
Version 1.2.x | Version 10.7.x |
Version 1.3.x | Version 10.7.x |
Version 1.4.x | Version 10.8.x |
Version 1.5.x | Version 10.8.x |
You can track the particular version updates of GraphDB in the changelog or the release notes.
- Subscription in Microsoft Azure
- Azure CLI
- Terraform CLI v1.5+
- License for GraphDB Enterprise Edition
You then need to authenticate in your subscription with Azure CLI, see Authenticating using the Azure CLI for more details.
Additional steps include:
- Enable VM Encryption At Host
- Register AppConfiguration with
az provider register --namespace "Microsoft.AppConfiguration"
- Register AllowApplicationGatewayPrivateLink with
az feature register --name AllowApplicationGatewayPrivateLink --namespace Microsoft.Network
if you are planning on using Private Link
The Terraform module deploys a VM scale set based on a VM image published in the Azure Marketplace. This requires you to accept the terms which can be accomplished with Azure CLI:
az vm image terms accept --offer graphdb-ee --plan graphdb-byol --publisher ontotextad1692361256062
Name | Description | Type | Default | Required |
azure_subscription_id | Define Subscription ID for authentication (Required) | string |
"" |
no |
resource_group_name | The name of the existing resource group to use. If not provided, a new resource group will be created. | string |
null |
no |
virtual_network_name | The name of the existing vnet to use. If not provided, a new virtual network will be created. | string |
null |
no |
resource_name_prefix | Resource name prefix used for tagging and naming Azure resources | string |
n/a | yes |
location | Azure geographical location where resources will be deployed | string |
n/a | yes |
zones | Availability zones to use for resource deployment and HA | list(number) |
[ 1, 2, 3 ] |
no |
tags | Common resource tags. | map(string) |
{} |
no |
lock_resources | Enables a delete lock on the resource group to prevent accidental deletions. | bool |
true |
no |
vmss_dns_servers | List of DNS servers for the VMSS | list(string) |
[] |
no |
graphdb_external_address_fqdn | External FQDN address for the deployment | string |
null |
no |
virtual_network_address_space | Virtual network address space CIDRs. | list(string) |
[ "" ] |
no |
gateway_subnet_address_prefixes | Subnet address prefixes CIDRs where the application gateway will reside. | list(string) |
[ "" ] |
no |
graphdb_subnet_address_prefixes | Subnet address prefixes CIDRs where GraphDB VMs will reside. | list(string) |
[ "" ] |
no |
gateway_private_link_subnet_address_prefixes | Subnet address prefixes where the Application Gateway Private Link will reside, if enabled | list(string) |
[ "" ] |
no |
management_cidr_blocks | CIDR blocks allowed to perform management operations such as connecting to Bastion or Key Vault. | list(string) |
n/a | yes |
inbound_allowed_address_prefix | Source address prefix allowed for connecting to the application gateway | string |
"Internet" |
no |
inbound_allowed_address_prefixes | Source address prefixes allowed for connecting to the application gateway. Overrides inbound_allowed_address_prefix | list(string) |
[] |
no |
outbound_allowed_address_prefix | Destination address prefix allowed for outbound traffic from GraphDB | string |
"Internet" |
no |
outbound_allowed_address_prefixes | Destination address prefixes allowed for outbound traffic from GraphDB. Overrides outbound_allowed_address_prefix | list(string) |
[] |
no |
gateway_global_request_buffering_enabled | Whether Application Gateway's Request buffer is enabled. | bool |
true |
no |
gateway_global_response_buffering_enabled | Whether Application Gateway's Response buffer is enabled. | bool |
true |
no |
gateway_enable_private_access | Enable or disable private access to the application gateway | bool |
false |
no |
disable_agw | Disables the creation of Application Gateway by the Terraform module. | bool |
false |
no |
gateway_enable_private_link_service | Set to true to enable Private Link service, false to disable it. | bool |
false |
no |
gateway_private_link_service_network_policies_enabled | Enable or disable private link service network policies | string |
false |
no |
gateway_backend_port | Backend port for the Application Gateway rules | number |
7201 |
no |
gateway_probe_interval | Interval in seconds between the health probe checks | number |
10 |
no |
gateway_probe_timeout | Timeout in seconds for the health probe checks | number |
1 |
no |
gateway_probe_threshold | Number of consecutive health checks to consider the probe passing or failing | number |
2 |
no |
context_path | The context path for the Application Gateway. | string |
"" |
no |
tls_certificate_path | Path to a TLS certificate that will be imported in Azure Key Vault and used in the Application Gateway TLS listener for GraphDB. Either tls_certificate_path or tls_certificate_id must be provided. | string |
null |
no |
tls_certificate_password | TLS certificate password for password-protected certificates. | string |
null |
no |
tls_certificate_id | Resource identifier for a TLS certificate secret from a Key Vault. Overrides tls_certificate_path. Either tls_certificate_id or tls_certificate_path must be provided. | string |
null |
no |
tls_certificate_identity_id | Identifier of a managed identity giving access to the TLS certificate specified with tls_certificate_id | string |
null |
no |
key_vault_enable_purge_protection | Prevents purging the key vault and its contents by soft deleting it. It will be deleted once the soft delete retention has passed. | bool |
true |
no |
key_vault_soft_delete_retention_days | Retention period in days during which soft deleted secrets are kept | number |
30 |
no |
app_config_enable_purge_protection | Prevents purging the App Configuration and its keys by soft deleting it. It will be deleted once the soft delete retention has passed. | bool |
true |
no |
app_config_soft_delete_retention_days | Retention period in days during which soft deleted keys are kept | number |
7 |
no |
admin_security_principle_id | UUID of a user or service principle that will become data owner or administrator for specific resources that need permissions to insert data during Terraform apply, i.e. KeyVault and AppConfig. If left unspecified, the current user will be used. | string |
null |
no |
graphdb_version | GraphDB version from the marketplace offer | string |
"10.8.2" |
no |
graphdb_sku | GraphDB SKU from the marketplace offer | string |
"graphdb-byol" |
no |
graphdb_image_id | GraphDB image ID to use for the scale set VM instances in place of the default marketplace offer | string |
null |
no |
graphdb_license_path | Local path to a file, containing a GraphDB Enterprise license. | string |
n/a | yes |
graphdb_cluster_token | Secret token used to secure the internal GraphDB cluster communication. Will generate one if left undeclared. | string |
null |
no |
graphdb_password | Secret token used to access GraphDB cluster. | string |
null |
no |
graphdb_properties_path | Path to a local file containing GraphDB properties ( that would be appended to the default in the VM. | string |
null |
no |
graphdb_java_options | GraphDB options to pass to GraphDB with GRAPHDB_JAVA_OPTS environment variable. | string |
null |
no |
node_count | Number of GraphDB nodes to deploy in ASG | number |
3 |
no |
instance_type | Azure instance type | string |
n/a | yes |
ssh_key | Public key for accessing the GraphDB instances | string |
null |
no |
user_supplied_scripts | Array of additional shell scripts to execute sequentially after the templated user data shell scripts. | list(string) |
[] |
no |
user_supplied_rendered_templates | Array of additional rendered templates to execute sequentially after the templated user data shell scripts | list(string) |
[] |
no |
user_supplied_templates | Array of additional sh.tpl files to execute sequentially after the templated user data shell scripts. Accepts template and variables as part of the templatefile Function | list(string) |
[] |
no |
storage_account_tier | Specify the performance and redundancy characteristics of the Azure Storage Account that you are creating | string |
"Standard" |
no |
storage_account_replication_type | Specify the data redundancy strategy for your Azure Storage Account | string |
"ZRS" |
no |
storage_blobs_max_days_since_creation | Specifies the retention period in days since creation before deleting storage blobs | number |
31 |
no |
storage_account_retention_hot_to_cool | Specifies the retention period in days between moving data from hot to cool tier storage | number |
3 |
no |
storage_container_soft_delete_retention_policy | Number of days for retaining the storage container from actual deletion | number |
31 |
no |
storage_blob_soft_delete_retention_policy | Number of days for retaining storage blobs from actual deletion | number |
31 |
no |
backup_schedule | Cron expression for the backup job. | string |
"0 0 * * *" |
no |
deploy_bastion | Deploy bastion module | bool |
false |
no |
bastion_subnet_address_prefixes | Bastion subnet address prefixes | list(string) |
[ "" ] |
no |
deploy_monitoring | Deploy monitoring module | bool |
true |
no |
disk_size_gb | Size of the managed data disk which will be created | number |
500 |
no |
disk_iops_read_write | Data disk IOPS | number |
7500 |
no |
disk_mbps_read_write | Data disk throughput | number |
250 |
no |
disk_storage_account_type | Storage account type for the data disks | string |
"PremiumV2_LRS" |
no |
disk_network_access_policy | Network accesss policy for the managed disks | string |
"DenyAll" |
no |
disk_public_network_access | Public network access enabled for the managed disks | bool |
false |
no |
la_workspace_retention_in_days | The workspace data retention in days. Possible values are either 7 (Free Tier only) or range between 30 and 730. | number |
30 |
no |
la_workspace_sku | Specifies the SKU of the Log Analytics Workspace. Possible values are Free, PerNode, Premium, Standard, Standalone, Unlimited, CapacityReservation, and PerGB2018 (new SKU as of 2018-04-03). Defaults to PerGB2018. | string |
"PerGB2018" |
no |
appi_retention_in_days | Specifies the retention period in days. | number |
30 |
no |
appi_daily_data_cap_in_gb | Specifies the Application Insights component daily data volume cap in GB. | number |
1 |
no |
appi_daily_data_cap_notifications_disabled | Specifies if a notification email will be send when the daily data volume cap is met. | bool |
false |
no |
appi_disable_ip_masking | By default the real client IP is masked as in the logs. Use this argument to disable masking and log the real client IP | bool |
true |
no |
appi_web_test_availability_enabled | Should the availability web test be enabled | bool |
true |
no |
web_test_ssl_check_enabled | Should the SSL check be enabled? | bool |
false |
no |
web_test_geo_locations | A list of geo locations the test will be executed from | list(string) |
[ "us-va-ash-azr", "us-il-ch1-azr", "emea-gb-db3-azr", "emea-nl-ams-azr", "apac-hk-hkn-azr" ] |
no |
monitor_reader_principal_id | Principal(Object) ID of a user/group which would receive notifications from alerts. | string |
null |
no |
notification_recipients_email_list | List of emails which will be notified via e-mail and/or push notifications | list(string) |
[] |
no |
Important: Starting from v4.x of the AzureRM Terraform provider, it's mandatory to specify the Subscription ID to ensure successful module deployment. You can define the Subscription ID in terraform.tfvars file:
azure_subscription_id = "XXXXX-XXXXX-XXXXX-XXXXX"
To use the GraphDB module, create a new Terraform project or add to an existing one the following module block:
module "graphdb" {
source = "Ontotext-AD/graphdb/azure"
version = "~> 1.0"
resource_name_prefix = "graphdb"
location = "East US"
zones = [1, 2, 3]
tags = {
Environment = "dev"
instance_type = "Standard_E8as_v5"
graphdb_license_path = "path-to-graphdb-license"
ssh_key = "your-public-key"
management_cidr_blocks = ["your-ip-address"]
tls_certificate_path = "path-to-your-tls-certificate"
# Mandatory since version 4.x of the AzureRM Provider
azure_subscription_id = "XXXXX-XXXXX-XXXXX-XXXXX"
# OPTIONAL: Required only if the password for the certificate is set
tls_certificate_password = "password-for-your-tls-certificate"
Initialize the module and its required providers with:
terraform init
Before deploying, make sure to inspect the plan output with:
terraform plan
After a careful review of the output plan, deploy with:
terraform apply
Once deployed, you should be able to access the environment at the generated FQDN that has been outputted at the end.
GraphDB Secrets
Instead of generating a random administrator password, you can provide one with:
graphdb_password = "s3cr37P@$w0rD"
It's the same with the shared GraphDB cluster secret, to override the randomly generated password, use:
graphdb_cluster_secret = "V6'vj|G]fpQ1_^9_,AE(r}Ct9yKuF&"
GraphDB Configurations
The GraphDB instances can be customized either by providing a custom
file that could contain any of the
supported GraphDB configurations properties:
graphdb_properties_path = "<path_to_custom_graphdb_properties_file>"
Or by setting the GDB_JAVA_OPTS
environment variable with graphdb_java_options
. For example, if you want to print the command line flags, use:
graphdb_java_options = "-XX:+PrintCommandLineFlags"
To enable the deployment of Azure Bastion, you simply need to enable the following flag:
deploy_bastion = true
Private Gateway with Private Link
To enable the Private Link service on a private Application Gateway, you need to enable the following flags:
gateway_enable_private_access = true
gateway_enable_private_link_service = true
See Configure Azure Application Gateway Private Link for further information on configuring and using Application Gateway Private Link.
Providing a TLS certificate
There are two options for setting up the Application Gateway with a TLS certificate.
- Provide local certificate file in PFX format with:
Note: This will create a dedicated Key Vault for storing the certificate.
tls_certificate_path = "path-to-your-tls-certificate" # OPTIONAL: Required only if the password for the certificate is set tls_certificate_password = "tls-certificate-password"
- Or provide a reference to an existing TLS certificate with:
Note: One of the two options must be used as tls is required!
tls_certificate_id = "key-vault-certificate-secret-id" tls_certificate_identity_id = "managed-identity-id"
Purge Protection
Resources that support purge protection and soft delete have them enabled by default. You can override the default configurations with the following variables:
# Make sure the resource group delete lock is enabled for production
lock_resources = true
# Configure Key Vault purge protection in case of local TLS certificate usage
key_vault_enable_purge_protection = true
key_vault_soft_delete_retention_days = 7 # From 7 to 90 days
app_config_enable_purge_protection = true
app_config_soft_delete_retention_days = 7 # From 1 to 7 days
storage_container_soft_delete_retention_policy = 7 # From 1 to 365 days
storage_blob_soft_delete_retention_policy = 7 # From 1 to 365 days
Managed Disks
Depending on the amount of data, expected statements or other factors, you might want to reconfigure the default options used for provisioning managed disks for persistent storage.
disk_size_gb = 1250
disk_iops_read_write = 16000
disk_mbps_read_write = 1000
Resources related to the monitoring (Application Insights) are deployed by default, you can change this with
deploy_monitoring = false
When deploying the Monitoring module you should specify the following values:
- Grant Access to Monitoring
Define the monitor_reader_principal_id
to provide access to a user or group for monitoring purposes.
This can be an user or group, and it allows the designated principal to read monitoring data.
monitor_reader_principal_id = "arn:aws:iam::account-id:role/monitoring-role"
Set Notification Recipients Specify the notification_recipients_email_list to define the email addresses that will receive monitoring notifications. This ensures that the relevant people are alerted when important events or thresholds are reached.
notification_recipients_email_list = ["", ""]
Custom GraphDB VM Image
You can provide the VMSS with a custom VM image by specifying graphdb_image_id
, for example:
graphdb_image_id = "/subscriptions/<subscription_id>/resourceGroups/<resource_group_name>/providers/Microsoft.Compute/galleries/<gallery_name>/images/<image_definition_name>/versions/<image_version>"
Deploying in Existing Resource Group and Virtual Network
To deploy in already existing Resource Group and Virtual Network you just need to specify their names, for example:
resource_group_name = "existing_rg"
virtual_network_name = "existing_vnet"
Deploying GraphDB with External Application Gateway and Custom Context Path
You can deploy GraphDB without creating a new Application Gateway, allowing you to use your existing one. Additionally, you can configure a custom context path for your application. To do this, follow these steps:
- Resource Group: A resource group should already be created.
- Virtual Network: A Virtual Network (VNet) should be set up and ready.
- Application Gateway: Ensure your Application Gateway is deployed and fully operational.
Example Configuration:
context_path = "/graphdb"
disable_agw = true
virtual_network_name = "your-VNet"
resource_group_name = "your-resource-group"
graphdb_external_address_fqdn = "your-fqdn-or-ip"
- Setting
to true disable the creation of Application Gateway from the Terraform Module. - You need provide
when usingdisable_agw
. - The
variable sets the custom context path for your application.
Post-Deployment Actions: After applying the Terraform code, you must perform the following steps:
1. Configure the Application Gateway:
- Path-Based Routing Rule: Set up a path-based routing rule on your Application Gateway to listen to the same context path. For example, if
context_path = "/graphdb"
, the path-based rule should be/graphdb/*
. You can use your external Application Gateway without the context path.
2. Add VMs or VMSS to Backend Pool:
- Manually add your Virtual Machine Scale Sets (VMSS) to the Application Gateway’s backend pool as targets.
3. Upgrade VMSS Instances:
- After assigning the VMSS to the backend pool and verifying that the Application Gateway can access the VMSS, upgrade your VMSS instances to the latest model or version. This is essential for the Application Gateway to identify them as valid targets within the backend pool. 4. Network Security Group (NSG) Configuration:
- Configure NSG rules to allow traffic between the Application Gateway and the VMSS, ensuring the necessary access is in place.
Instead of using the module as dependency, you can create a local variables file named terraform.tfvars
and provide configuration overrides there.
Then simply follow the same steps as in the Usage section.
This Terraform module has the ability to deploy a single instance of GraphDB.
To deploy a single instance you just need to set node_count
to 1, everything else happens automatically.
Here is the procedure for migrating your single node deployment to cluster e.g., from one node to 3 nodes
- Create a backup of your data.
- Change the
to 3 or more, depending on the cluster size you desire. - Run
terraform import 'module.graphdb.azurerm_managed_disk.managed_disks[\"<DISK_NAME>\"]' /subscriptions/<SUBSCRIPTION_ID>/resourceGroups/<RESOURCE_GROUP_NAME>/providers/Microsoft.Compute/disks/<DISK_NAME>
- IMPORTANT! Resource names are case-sensitive and mismatch will lead to resource recreation and data loss.
- The CLI syntax differs depending on the OS please refer to the documentation.
- Validate the import is successful by checking the
file, should containazurerm_managed_disk
resource with the name of the disk you've imported. - Run
terraform plan
and review the plan carefully if everything seems fine runterraform apply
All notable changes between version are tracked and documented at
Check out the contributors guide
This code is released under the Apache 2.0 License. See LICENSE for more details.