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  1. Search/replace for these variables:

    • {{repo_owner}} - GitHub repository username
    • {{repo_name}} - GitHub repository name
    • {{project_name}} - Project name
    • {{project_tagline}} - Project tagline
    • {{security_email}} - Email to send vulnerabilities add -noreply before the @
    • {{author_name}} - Your name
    • {{docs_base_url}} - Base URL to the documentation (no trailing slash). It could be:
      • https://<repo_owner><repo_name> (GitHub Pages default)
      • https://<your_domain> (GitHub Pages with CNAME file)
      •<repo_owner>/<repo_name>/blob/main (if you removed/don't want the documentation site)
    • {{docs_extension}} - Should be html if you use the documentation site, otherwise md
    • {{forum_url}} - URL to your forum for users to ask questions. It could be:
      •<repo_owner>/<repo_name>/discussions (if you enabled the discussions feature on your repo)
      •<repo_owner>/discussions (if you enabled the discussions feature at your org level)
      • https://<your_domain> (if you maintain a separate discussion forum, or a link to your community on Slack, Discord, etc.)

    For any decent-sized project, it is better to own your brand and use your own domain rather than GitHub links.

  2. Remove this and move docs/ to the root

GitHub Actions

Some GitHub Actions bundled in this template require a personal access token (PAT). This can be sourced either from an app (recommended) or from a user.

From an app

  1. Create an app with the minimum permissions or add the following permissions to an existing app:

    • Contents: Read and write
    • Issues: Read and write
    • Pull requests: Read and write
  2. Set the GH_APP_ID and GH_APP_PRIVATE_KEY repository secrets.

  3. Install the app to your repository (click Install App on the left menu of the app page)

From a user

  1. Create a personal access token with the repo permissions.

  2. Set the GH_PERSONAL_TOKEN repository secret.

  3. Look into each file in .github/workflows:

    • Remove every step called Generate app token
    • Replace ${{ steps.generate_token.outputs.token }} with ${{ secrets.GH_PERSONAL_TOKEN }}

Dependency updates

You can pick between Renovate (recommended) or Dependabot for your dependency updates.

Dependabot won't keep your pre-commit hooks up to date as opposed to Renovate.


  1. Install it
  2. Remove the file .github/dependabot.yaml


Just remove the file .github/renovate.json.