πA Big Thanks To All Our Contributors and Sponsorsπ
- Introduction
- Some Features
- Requirements
- Installation 4.1 Automated-Installer
- Updating
- Version Support Information
- Security
- Contributing
- License
- Demo
- Sponsor-Chat
- Sponsoring
- Special Thanks
I have been developing a Nex-Gen Torrent Tracker Software called "UNIT3D." This is a PHP software based on the lovely Laravel Framework -- currently Laravel Framework 8, MySQL Strict Mode Compliant, and PHP 8.0 Ready. The code is well-designed and follows the PSR-2 coding style. It uses an MVC Architecture to ensure clarity between logic and presentation. As a hashing algorithm of Bcrypt or Argon2 is used, to ensure a safe and proper way to store the passwords for the users. A lightweight Blade Templating Engine. Caching System Supporting: "apc,β "array,β "database,β "file," "memcached," and "redis" methods. Eloquent and much more!
UNIT3D currently offers the following features:
- Internal Forums System
- Staff Dashboard
- Faceted Ajax Torrent Search System
- BON Store
- Torrent Request Section with BON Bounties
- Freeleech System
- Double Upload System
- Featured Torrents System
- Polls System
- Extra-Stats
- PM System
- Multilingual Support
- TwoStep Auth System
- DB + Files Backup Manager
- RSS System
- and MUCH MORE!
- A Web server (NGINX is recommended)
- PHP 8.0 + is required
- Dependencies for PHP,
- php-curl -> This is specifically needed for the various APIs we have running.
- php-intl -> This is required for the Spatie\SslCertificate.
- php-zip -> This is required for the Backup Manager.
- Crontab access
- A Redis server
- MySQL 5.7 + or MariaDB 10.2 +
- TheMovieDB API Key: https://www.themoviedb.org/documentation/api
- A decent dedicated server. Dont try running this on some basic server if you plann to run a large tracker!
Processor: Intel Xeon E3-1245v2 - Cores/Threads: 4c/8t Frequency: 3.4GHz /3.8GHz RAM: 32GB DDR3 1333 MHz Disks: SoftRaid 2x240 GB SSD Bandwidth: 250 Mbps Traffic: Unlimited Is Under $50 A Month
NOTE: If you are running UNIT3D on a non HTTPS instance you MUST change the following configs.
.env <-- SESSION_SECURE_COOKIE must be set to false
config/secure-headers.php <-- HTTP Strict Transport Security must be set to false
config/secure-headers.php <-- Content Security Policy must be disabled
A UNIT3D Installer has been released by Poppabear.
Officially Supported OS's
- Ubuntu 20.04 LTS (Recommended)
- Ubuntu 18.04 LTS
- Ubuntu 16.04 LTS
For Ubuntu 20.04 LTS:
git clone https://github.com/poppabear8883/UNIT3D-INSTALLER.git installer
cd installer
sudo ./install.sh
For Ubuntu 16.04 LTS or Ubuntu 18.04 LTS:
git clone https://github.com/poppabear8883/UNIT3D-INSTALLER.git installer
cd installer
git checkout Ubuntu-16.04-18.04
sudo ./install.sh
Check it out here for more information: https://github.com/poppabear8883/UNIT3D-INSTALLER
Use this command to generate demo users and torrents for testing purposes:
php artisan demo:seed
php artisan git:update
Version | Status | PHP Version Required |
6.x.x | Active Support π | >= 8.1 |
5.x.x | End Of Life π | >= 8.0 |
4.x.x | End Of Life π | >= 7.4 |
3.x.x | End Of Life π | >= 7.4 |
2.3.0 to 2.7.0 | End Of Life π | >= 7.4 |
2.0.0 to 2.2.7 | End Of Life π | >= 7.3 |
1.0 to 1.9.4 | End Of Life π | >= 7.1.3 |
If you discover any security related issues, please email hdinnovations@protonmail.com instead of using the issue tracker.
Please see CONTRIBUTING and CODE_OF_CONDUCT for details.
UNIT3D is open-sourced software licensed under the GNU Affero General Public License v3.0.
As per license do not remove the license from sourcecode files
* UNIT3D Community Edition is open-sourced software licensed under the GNU Affero General Public License v3.0
* The details is bundled with this project in the file LICENSE.txt.
* @project UNIT3D Community Edition
* @author HDVinnie <hdinnovations@protonmail.com>
* @license https://www.gnu.org/licenses/agpl-3.0.en.html/ GNU Affero General Public License v3.0
Or the credits from footer in /resources/views/partials/footer.blade.php
<a href="https://github.com/HDInnovations/UNIT3D-Community-Edition" target="_blank" class="btn btn-xs btn-primary">@lang('common.powered-by')</a>
URL: https://unit3d.site
Username: UNIT3D
Password: UNIT3D
Demo is reset every 72 hours!
URL: https://discord.gg/J8dsx7F5yT
You can support my work if you are enjoying UNIT3D and my other projects under HDInnovations, this really keeps me up for fixing problems and adding new features. Also helps pay for the demo server + domain. Plus some beer to keep me sane.
Monthy Recurring:
One-time Custom Amount:
Some folks have asked me if it's possible to do a one-time donation via Crypto Currency or CashApp. Yes! If you would like to contribute via a crypto-currency not listed please let me know.
CashApp - $hdvinnie
Bitcoin (BTC) - 3HUVkv3Q8b5nbxa9DtXG1dm4RdTJaTFRfc
Bitcoin Cash (BCH) - qp3wgpnwzpj4v9sq90wflsca8p5s75glrvga9tweu2
Ether (ETH) - 0x5eFF42F65234aD9c6A0CA5B9495f3c6D205bBC27
ETC - 0xd644C7C7009eC3824f3305ff6C7E2Ee90497d56e
Litecoin (LTC) - MDLKyHzupt1mchuo8mrjW9mihkKp1LD4nG
USDC - 0xB32102d9104d2bfd0D4E3E4069618ADD985a4e2E
USDT (ERC-20) - 0x24c79c41EEAd9d81203ee567fE4bA3a6c81374DB
DOGE - DJ78fQspiu879y3adLbTZVSFABKhKqHE7B